This is a blog post describing the different meanings of the Two of Swords tarot card in the Minor Arcana of the standard Rider-Waite deck. Read on to discover the different meanings of the Two of Swords upright and reversed for money, love, and other situations in your life.
Make Your Tarot Readings Pop With Clarity
If you’re new to working with the tarot or just desire clearer and more precise readings, there’s something you need to ask yourself…
How do you know that you’re receiving information for your highest and greatest good?
So many people begin working with the tarot hoping to gain insight and clarity on the endless possibilities available to them.
Only for their personal power to be threatened by misinformation.
Because they are out of alignment!
Even if you have a spark of inspiration to go down a tarot journey, you’ll likely be met with a sense of disarray if you don’t have an action plan that includes connecting with the universe.
And the best way to let this energy flow is with your free numerology reading.
Your numerology reading is personalized to you based on the numbers in your birth date and your birth name.
It reveals any negative forces of energy that could stand between accurate tarot readings and also highlights any special gifts or challenges you may have with reaching your long-term goals.
But that’s not the best part…
People who take the time to get their free numerology readings tell me that they have a stronger bonding relationship with the tarot afterward.
They say they feel the energy of potential and get answers that help them improve their exact situation!
You want to have an exciting time working with the tarot too, do you not?
It’s your time now to take your tarot practice seriously and step into the gifts you’ve been given.
Get your free reading now to make sure you are on the right track.
That way you can make sure you’re maximizing your potential.
Two of Swords Tarot Card Keywords
Upright Meaning: truce, stalemate, difficult choices, painful decisions, caught in the middle, denial, can’t see the truth, blocked emotions, avoidance, hesitance, lying to yourself, stressful decisions, difficult decision, tough choices, challenging decision, conflicted decisions
Reversed Meaning: delays, indecision, seeing the truth, exposed lies, overwhelming anxiety issues, overly cautious, emotional detachment, coldness, emotionally guarded, withdrawn, not present
The Two of Swords As Feelings
If you want to know what someone is feeling and The Two of Swords shows up, it could indicate that they are in a standoff or feeling stuck between two difficult choices.
The crossed swords represent stalemate and it can be used to signify an intense dilemma when someone is stuck making a decision that involves pain and suffering on both sides. They are likely confused and feeling stuck right now.
The Two of Swords As How Someone Sees You
If you want to know what the other person thinks of you, The Two of Swords could mean that they are feeling ambivalent or undecided.
They may be hesitating to make a decision because it could mean choosing one side over the other. Or it could mean that there is too much emotional turmoil for them to pick an option at all.
The Two of Swords As What Someone Wants From You
If you want to know what someone wants out of a relationship, the Two of Swords means that they don’t know for sure. They can see the good and bad of both sides and have yet to come to a conclusion.
You’ll need to see what the other cards in the spread say to get a more accurate picture of where their head is at.
Upright Two of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Generally speaking, the upright Two of Swords brings up feelings of being caught between a rock and a hard place.
Examples of these difficult situations might include having to choose between two different careers, deciding who to side with in an argument, or perhaps even choosing between two lovers.
The Two of Swords Tarot card also shows that it is possible to become stuck in your life due to indecision or inaction, leading you into a state of limbo.
This doesn’t mean that the Two of Swords tarot card always points towards bad things though!
Sometimes, it can actually show that you are keeping your wits about you during a time of extreme stress, with the possibility that an opportunity to forge ahead will be presented soon.
On another positive note, the Two of Swords can show that you are taking your time to evaluate all of the information presented to you before making a decision.
You just want to make sure you’re really taking your time to analyze things and not simply burying your head in the sand to avoid the perceived negative consequences of choosing.
Upright Two of Swords Card Meanings For Relationships
If you’re in a committed relationship and the Two of Swords shows up in your reading, it either means you’re at a crossroads in your relationship or that someone involved is actually torn between two relationships.
If you’re at a crossroads in your relationship, it could be that you both want different things in your relationship and you can’t come to an agreement on what direction to take.
Or, it might mean that you and your partner have been arguing frequently lately and cannot come to an agreement on a particular decision both of you need to make.
The Two of Swords Tarot card is telling you that at this time, it would be best for both parties involved to lay low and take some time to think about what you can do to resolve the argument.
Sometimes it’s best not to make a decision until you have had adequate time to think about how your choices will affect those around you.
In other cases, however, the Two of Swords indicates that you need to make a painful choice that you’ve been trying to avoid for some time now.
If this is true, you will have to acknowledge that soon and make the choice or your situation will only continue to get worse and it could prevent you from moving into the next phase of your life.
Upright Two of Swords Card Meanings For Singles
If you’re single and the Two of Swords appears in your reading, it means that you will have to choose between two people sooner or later.
You have a confused mind and don’t want to make this decision and it may cause some stress and difficulties for you.
The Two of Swords Tarot card is telling you to make a choice between the two people because no matter what, one will be left out in the cold.
If you don’t figure out who is the best option, there will be negative consequences in your life.
This may mean that someone might get hurt or that the relationship between all three of you will suffer.
When it comes to relationships, sometimes you have to choose between two people and neither person is going to leave happy.
It’s not that you don’t care about the people involved, but sometimes just because you want everyone to be happy doesn’t guarantee that will happen.
Alternatively, when you have the Two of Swords in a singles love reading, it could mean you are interested in someone but afraid to let them know how you feel.
You are avoiding opening up and telling them that you like them for fear of rejection.
This may just be your overthinking the situation and that person actually likes you too.
The Two of Swords Tarot card can show that if you do not talk to them soon, someone else may sweep them off their feet and whisk them away before you can even muster up the courage to tell them how you feel.
Upright Two of Swords Meaning For Money & Career
If your main concern is your career path when the Two of Swords shows up, you should know that not being able to make a decision is going to affect your career in the future.
A change in your current path may be required and luck or fate will not step in to relieve you of this problem.
You have to bite the bullet and do what needs to be done, even if that means you won’t like the results.
You have seen the consequences of sticking to your current path and everything you do is starting to feel like a waste when it comes to moving forward in your career.
Even when you are looking for a job, if the Two of Swords appears upright in your reading, it means that there are several options open to you right now.
You may not like all of them or you could be worried that they are not better than what you currently have, but the lack of direction coming your way is causing some stress.
The Two of Swords has shown up in a career reading for you to tell you that you have to take action and you can’t wait any longer.
When it comes to your money, the Two of Swords upright means that you will have to make a choice about your finances.
You can’t wait any longer and you need to figure out what the best option is right now.
Your emotions may take over when making this decision, but if this happens, you will have to take a step back and look at things objectively in order to come up with a solution.
If the Two of Swords is in your reading and you are waiting for something to be handed to you or for luck to rescue you, then that time has passed.
You need to take action and make a decision because regardless of what it is, it will bring you one step closer to getting out of this situation.
Reversed Two of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
When the Two of Swords appears reversed, it represents something similar to the Two of Swords upright.
However, the main difference is that instead of cutting yourself off from the truth, the truth is exposed and you have to confront it.
If you’ve been lied to, the truth will finally be revealed.
Conversely, if you’ve been lying, you will be found out as well.
There is no more burying your head in the sand when the Two of Swords shows up, it’s time to face the music.
The Two of Swords also represents excessive worrying that can lead to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and just emotional turmoil in general.
You may feel emotionally withdrawn, detached, and find yourself ruminating too much over the past or the future rather than living in the moment.
Reversed Two of Swords Card Meanings For Relationships
If you are in a committed relationship and the Two of Swords shows in a reversed position, be forewarned that your significant other is not being completely honest with you.
They may have been lying to you for a long time and when the Two of Swords appears reversed in your readings, that lie will be revealed.
However, this could also mean that they are feeling emotionally withdrawn from you or that they are trying to avoid confronting an issue that exists between you.
It’s time to have that talk with them whether it is about your relationship or something unrelated that needs to be dealt with.
If the Two of Swords appears in a reading for you and there are two people involved, then you need to keep this information between yourself and the person you are close to because they need to know.
Or, you may have been caught in the middle of a conflict between two people and you need to take a step back from them until this is resolved.
Reversed Two of Swords Card Meanings For Singles
If you’re single and the Two of Swords shows reversed, it means that your dating life is going to be a little quiet right now.
The truth is, you aren’t completely over your ex and this has shown up in a reading for you because they still have a hold on you emotionally.
If you think that isn’t the case, then it may be an emotional attachment to someone who doesn’t even know that you exist.
If you’re looking for an honest connection and a solid relationship, someone who is emotionally guarded is going to be a hard person to get close to.
You may also find yourself trying too hard or trying to force someone into liking you when there is no chemistry between the two of you.
Sometimes, relationships just aren’t meant to be and if the Two of Swords appears reversed in your reading, it may mean that you need to keep looking before you find someone who is actually good for you.
Reversed Two of Swords Meaning For Money & Career
The Two of Swords reversed in a career reading means that you are being held back.
You have the knowledge and skills to move forward but for some reason, you are being put on the back burner.
If this is happening at work, then that is where the Two of Swords reversed is showing up for you.
Alternatively, it may mean that someone at work is trying to hold your career back and they are also holding you back in a personal way.
It may even show up in a reading for you if you’re trying to start your own business and an old friend is trying to hold you back by not offering their support.
If this is the case, then it’s time for them to get over themselves because opportunity is not going to wait for anyone.
The best thing you can do is move forward without them because their negativity isn’t good for your new business venture.
When it comes to your money, the Two of Swords reversed represents further financial setbacks.
However, this may also be a sign that it’s time to cut your losses and walk away from an investment or business deal because there is no way for you to make back the money you already lost.
Final Thoughts On The Two of Swords Card
Congrats on taking the first step to work with the tarot and learning to read for yourself and those you love!
Now that you’ve already begun your journey, the next natural step is to make sure you receive your free numerology reading.
Few things are as powerful as numerology for helping you improve your tarot readings.
But I’m not going to tell you that the information you’ll uncover will make you a better tarot reader.
It’s better for you to get your reading and find that out for yourself.
That way, it’ll be a much more personal, special, and beautiful experience.
More tarot meanings
- The Two of Wands Tarot Card Guide For Beginners
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