No, it’s not all in your head – manifesting can make you tired (among other physical symptoms). If you’ve noticed that you’re more exhausted than usual after doing some manifestation work, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s perfectly normal to feel tired after manifesting, and there are a few possible explanations for why this happens. Read on to learn more about this interesting topic!
1- You’re not connected to the Universe
One reason you might experience a lack of energy after manifesting is that you’re not properly connected to the Universe.
This is such a common problem and is the number one reason why:
- You feel tired after manifesting
- Your manifestations take too long to come (or they never do)
- You often manifest the wrong thing
It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking all you have to do is a quick and easy manifestation exercise without any “homework” – so to speak – but that couldn’t be farther from the truth!
The truth is you have to have a connection to the Universe before asking for what you want.
Think about how if you want to ask a friend for a favor, what’s the first step?
You have to connect with that friend by either calling them, texting them, emailing, or seeing them in person, right?
It’s the same thing for the Universe!
(Get this part wrong and you’re doomed from the start!)
But how…?
The best way to establish a strong connection is to get a free copy of your numerology report.
You want to do this right away because your numerology report will give you a deep understanding of your connection to the Universe – and how to make it even stronger.
You’ll learn exactly what steps you need to take to bring real results to your life.
And not only that – by opening and reading your report, you’re also showing the Universe that you’re attentive, open, and ready to do your part!
And the best part is that it’s 100% free!
So get ahead of the game and establish a strong connection with the Universe now – it’s one of the most important steps to successful manifestation.
2- You’re learning something new
Manifesting can take a lot of energy, especially in the beginning when you’re learning how to do it correctly.
Anytime you’re learning something new, it requires mental energy and focus.
In fact, it’s a scientifically proven fact that thinking too hard can make you feel tired.
This can be taxing on your body and mind, which is why you might feel tired after doing some manifestation work.
The best way to combat this is to take breaks often and to make sure you’re getting plenty of rest.
The law of attraction works best when you release negative emotions and keep positive energy levels.
So spending time caring for yourself in this way will boost your quality of life.
3- You’re putting all your energy into one thing
When you’re focused on manifesting something, you may subconsciously be putting all your energy into it, which can leave you feeling tired.
Furthermore, the act of manifestation itself can be energy-consuming.
It’s a basic tenet of physical well-being that you keep emotional balance.
Think about it this way: if you’re trying to manifest something big, it’s going to take a lot more energy than if you’re trying to manifest something small.
So, if you find yourself feeling tired after doing some manifestation work, it could be because you’re putting a lot of energy into it.
Again, the best way to combat this is to take breaks often and to make sure you’re getting plenty of rest.
4- You’re manifesting something that’s emotionally taxing
Manifesting can be emotionally taxing, especially if you’re trying to manifest something that’s difficult or challenging.
For example, if you are stressed about money to pay your rent or get out of a troublesome situation, just focusing on it can zap your energy.
When you’re manifesting something that’s emotionally taxing, it’s important to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally.
This is normal and nothing to worry about.
But a word of advice is to ensure you attack this type of problem from all angles.
Don’t exclusively rely on spirituality to get you out of a bind. It’s more of a tool to help you get better results using other methods.
5- Visualization is tiring
Manifesting often requires visualizing what you want over and over again, which can be tiring mentally.
A great way to combat this is to manifest while you sleep!
That way, you are activating your subconscious mind intentionally just before sleeping, so being tired actually work for you instead of against you.
6- Tiredness can be a sign of success
When you’re feeling exhausted after manifesting, it’s often a sign that you’ve been successful in bringing your desired outcome into reality.
Of course, there’s no way of knowing for sure that this is the case for you.
It’s just one of the common signs that the universe has heard you, is acknowledging your request, and your manifestation is coming.
7- Your goals may not truly resonate with you
Another reason you may feel tired after manifesting is that your goals truly don’t resonate with you.
Think about it like this…
If you’re trying to manifest something that you don’t really want, your subconscious mind will know it.
And because the subconscious is so powerful, it will do everything in its power to resist your manifestation.
This internal struggle can take a lot out of you, both mentally and emotionally, which is why you may feel tired after doing some manifestation work.
If you find yourself in this situation, the best thing to do is to take a step back and reassess your goals.
Make sure that what you’re trying to manifest is truly something you want.
And if it’s not, then find something else to focus on.
There’s no point in trying to manifest something that you don’t want.
It will only drain you of your energy and leave you feeling exhausted.
8- It’s a sign you need to take a break
Another common reason manifesting makes you tired is that you need to take a break altogether.
One trap people easily fall into is of obsessing over their goals.
Some people try many different manifestation methods for the same goal in a short time span, then keep looking for signs from the universe to confirm their desire is on its way.
If you obsess over this process too much, it can cause all sorts of unwanted problems, including exhaustion.
This is a sign that you need to take a break and let things flow naturally.
Stop forcing the universe to give you what you want, and just relax.
Take a break from manifestation altogether for a little while, then come back to it when you’re feeling rested and refreshed.
You’ll be surprised at how much more effective your manifestations will be when you take this approach.
9- You’re too attached to the outcome
One last reason manifesting is making you tired is that you’re too attached to the outcome.
When you’re fixated on something, it’s all you can think about.
You obsess over it day and night, which can lead to all sorts of problems, including exhaustion.
It’s important to remember that manifestation is a process.
It takes time for your desire to materialize in the physical world.
The universe will always answer your prayers, but it may not always be in the way you want or when you want it.
This is why it’s so important to let go of attachment.
Detachment doesn’t mean you don’t want your manifestation to come true.
It just means that you are a whole, complete person capable of living a joyful and fulfilling life even if your manifestation takes a while to come or doesn’t come at all.
You’re not attached to when or how it will come to you.
You’re just putting it out there and trusting that the universe will take care of the rest.
And when you let go in this way, you open yourself up to all kinds of possibilities.
You may find that your manifestation comes to you in a much better way than you could have ever imagined.
Frequently Asked Questions
Now that you’ve discovered the top nine reasons manifesting is making you tired, here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on the subject.
1- Why do I feel sick after manifesting?
Feeling sick after manifesting is usually a sign that you’re doing something wrong.
It could be that you’re trying to manifest something you don’t really want, or you’re too attached to the outcome.
It’s also possible that you’re not aligning your actions with your goals.
2- Why do I feel dizzy after manifesting?
Dizziness is another common symptom people experience after manifesting.
Like feeling sick, it’s usually a sign that something is off.
It could be that you’re not clear about what you want, or you’re putting too much focus on the outcome of your manifestation.
3- Why do I feel anxious after manifesting?
Feeling anxious after manifesting is usually a symptom of feeling too stressed about the outcome. Make sure you’re not too attached to your manifestation and that you’re taking the necessary actions to make it happen.
4- Why do I feel scared after manifesting?
Just like feeling anxious, feeling scared is usually a sign that you’re too stressed about your manifestation. If you find yourself feeling afraid, take a step back and reassess your goals. Make sure you’re not putting too much pressure on yourself to make it happen.
5- Why do I feel like giving up after manifesting?
If you find yourself feeling like giving up, it’s usually a sign that you’re not fully committed to your goal. Make sure you really want what you’re trying to manifest and that you’re taking the necessary steps to make it happen.
Final thoughts
Hopefully now you understand that feeling tired after manifesting has so many causes.
So if this is happening to you – worry not!
It’s completely normal, and there could be a good explanation.
Just take a step back and reassess your situation.
And if you find that you’re doing everything right but still feeling exhausted, then it may be a sign that you need to take a break.
Detach from the outcome of your manifestation and let things flow naturally.
The universe will always answer your prayers in perfect timing.
Oh, and by the way…
Don’t forget to grab your free numerology report!
Nine times out of ten it’ll solve your problem fast!
Happy manifesting –