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Do You Write Manifestations In Present Tense?

Are you ready to supercharge your manifesting game? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we’re talking about one super simple but oh-so-powerful tip for bringing your goals and desires into reality: writing your manifestations in the present tense.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. “But isn’t manifesting all about the future? Why would I write my manifestations in the present tense?”

Great question! And the answer is simple: because it works.

Here are five reasons why using present-tense language when writing your manifestations is a total game-changer.


5 Reasons Writing Your Manifestation In Present Tense Helps You Manifest Faster (Law of Attraction)

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1- Aligns your thoughts, feelings, and desires

The first reason you want to manifest in present tense is that it helps to align your thoughts and feelings with your desired outcome.

By writing your manifestation in the present tense using the most positive statements you can think of, you are essentially telling the universe that you already have what you desire.

This helps to shift your focus (and your subconscious mind) from lack or uncertainty to abundance and confidence, making it more likely that you will attract your desired outcome into your life.

For instance, let’s say you want to manifest a new relationship. Instead of writing “I want to attract the perfect partner,” you can write “I am happily in a loving relationship with my soulmate.”

This will help your mind to focus on feelings of love and abundance, rather than lack.


2- Helps you focus on what you want

Writing your manifestation in the present tense also helps shift your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want.

A big problem of manifestation is that, unfortunately, most people are running from something rather than toward something.

If you’re having problems paying bills, for example, you’re likely suffering from a lack of funds.

And this lack of funds has driven you to manifestation in the first place!

The problem with this is that, when you focus on the lack, it’s actually easier to create more of that same lack.

But if you write your manifestation in the present tense, such as “I am living a financially abundant life,” then you are shifting your focus from lack to abundance, and this will help you attract the outcome that you desire.

Furthermore, when you write your manifestations or positive affirmations in the future tense (e.g., “I will have a successful business”), you admit the lack or uncertainty that currently exists in your life.

You don’t want to do that!

And that’s why you write your manifestations in the present tense.


3- Makes your manifestation tangible

Another great thing about writing your manifestation in the present tense is that it makes it more tangible.

When you write something as though it’s already happened, it helps to instill a sense of certainty and confidence in your ability to manifest your desired outcome.

It also helps to make the outcome more real and achievable.

You embody a more positive mindset and infuse your desire with positive energy.

This can help to increase your belief in your ability to manifest your desires and keep you motivated and focused on achieving your goals.


4- Gives you clarity

Writing your manifestation in the present tense can also help to give you clarity.

When you write something as though it’s already happened, it helps to outline what needs to happen for that outcome to become a reality.

This can be incredibly helpful if you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure how to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

For example, let’s say you want to manifest your dream vacation.

Instead of writing, “I want to go on an amazing vacation,” you can write, “I am currently enjoying an incredible vacation in (destination).”

You can continue writing more details of your dream trip, honoring your feelings as you go, and this will help to give you clarity on what needs to happen for this outcome to become a reality.


5- It’s more fun

Last but not least, it’s just plain fun!

Let’s be honest; there’s something inherently satisfying about writing your manifestation in the present tense.

It feels like you’re already living your dream life and that anything is possible. So go ahead, have some fun with it!


Present-tense manifestation example

Regardless of what manifestation method you choose (whether using a manifestation journal, manifestation list, or any other method, it’s essential to use present-tense language.

The scripting method is simply the act of writing your desired manifestation as a movie script – as if it has already happened.

Here’s an example of a present-tense manifestation using the scripting method.

So… imagine you want to manifest a dream job that aligns with your passions and values. Here’s how you might write your script:


Sample manifestation script in present-tense

“I am so excited to start my new job at XYZ Company. I love the work I’m doing and the people I’m working with. Every day, I am challenged and inspired to be my best self. I am grateful for the opportunity to use my skills and talents to make a positive impact in the world. My job brings me joy and fulfillment, and I am grateful for the abundance it brings into my life.”

As you can see, this script is written entirely in the present tense, using phrases like “I am” and “I have.”

By writing your script this way, you are telling the universe that you already have your desired job and are aligning your thoughts and feelings with the outcome.

You can get your feelings involved!

And as you write, you can almost see yourself at this new job, can you not?

You can “pretend” that you are already there, in the moment, and allow yourself to fully experience what it would feel like.

Visualize yourself being successful in this new job and explore how it feels.

When you do this, your feelings will shift towards your desired outcome, which is essential for manifesting your goals.


Frequently asked questions

Now that you understand the power of present-tense manifestation, let’s answer some frequently asked questions.


1- How do I write manifestations in the present tense?

Some examples of how to write manifestions in the present tense might include using phrases like “I am,” “I have,” and “I enjoy” being specific and detailed in your language, using action verbs, and focusing on the present moment.


2- How do I know if I’m writing my manifestions in the present tense?

To ensure that you are writing your manifestions in the correct tense, try to focus on language that reflects confidence and belief in your desired outcome. Avoid using phrases that imply lack or uncertainty (e.g., “I will,” “I hope,” “I wish”), and instead use language that reflects the abundance and prosperity you desire.


3- Can I still use the future tense when writing my manifestions?

While it can be helpful to write your manifestions in the present tense, it’s not necessarily a hard and fast rule. Ultimately, the most important thing is to focus on language that reflects your belief in the desired outcome and helps to align your thoughts and feelings with it.


Final thoughts

In conclusion, there are so many benefits to writing your manifestations in the present tense.

So next time you sit down to write your manifestations, remember to focus on the present tense and watch as your goals and desires become a reality. Happy manifesting!


5 Reasons Writing Your Manifestation In Present Tense Helps You Manifest Faster (Law of Attraction)