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5 Healing Crystals For Self-Confidence (Manifesting Self-Love)

This is a blog post that will show you the five best healing crystals for self-confidence and self-love. Choose any one of these crystals, charge it with your intentions, and you’ll be on your way to a softer, more compassionate relationship with the most special person in your life — yourself.


crystals for self-confidence

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Is Crystal Healing Real?

You might be wondering, is crystal healing real?

I get it. You’re hesitant to believe in anything without seeing it for yourself–that makes sense! But crystals are something you can experience with your whole being and know that they work because of how you feel after using them.

And even if this isn’t the first time you have tried crystals and you didn’t get the desired result right away — trust that doesn’t mean crystal healing isn’t real.

It just means that you need more time, experience, or even to work with a different crystal.

(When I first started working with crystals it took me a few months to have my first “real” experience.)

So yes!

Crystal healing IS real. You just have to be patient, make sure you keep an open mind, and pick crystals that you feel pulled toward.

And now… the best crystals for self-confidence and self-love!


1-Best crystal for self-confidence

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Without a doubt the absolute best crystal for self-confidence is Citrine.

This yellow crystal has a positive energy that gives you a huge confidence boost, as it is connected to your solar plexus chakra.

The solar plexus chakra is located just under your ribcage right in the center of your upper stomach.

Your solar plexus is your center of motivation, determination, and drive. When you are manifesting and need to feel confident in bringing your dreams to reality, you need clear energy here.

Citrine is the perfect crystal to amplify this energy in your body by bringing feelings of warmth and happiness that will fill up every space in your solar plexus chakra with joy.

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While “manifesting” and self-confidence may not seem to go together, when you think about it, they are the perfect match.

Whether you need to feel more confident going out on a date, nailing a job interview, passing a test, giving a presentation, or anything else — you desire a certain result, right?

Self-confidence is how you go forward and bring those results to fruition.

Therefore, for a general sense of improved self-confidence and personal wellbeing for any situation, work with Citrine.

In the following sections, we will explore more specific crystals for different purposes.


2- Crystals for confidence at a job interview

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While Citrine is the perfect healing gemstone for overall self-confidence, if you need confidence at a job interview, your best bet would be to use Blue Lace Agate.

Blue lace agate is a stone of inner calm and confidence that promotes success in business negotiations, as well as during job interviews.

It provides peace from within to get you through those tough times when the interviewers are asking their difficult questions or demanding more than you think is reasonable.

Another reason you might like to use Blue Lace Agate crystal before a job interview is that it also helps you to develop empathy for others so that no matter what the interviewer’s tone or mood is, you can keep your cool and come across as a more sympathetic person.

At the same time, it also helps promote creativity in order to think of fantastic responses to tough questions like “What are your biggest weaknesses?”

If you are the interviewer and feel nervous in your own way, Tiger’s Eye can remove any negative energy from your aura as well and enhance your leadership quality.

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While many people (myself included) prefer crystal necklaces because they provide healing powers while being stylish at the same time, since it’s a job interview and you want to be modest, I recommend getting your hands on one of these polished stones, and storing it in your purse or pocket.

Not that the necklace would be bad — just for job interviews I like to keep it relatively simple and plain so if that’s a concern of yours, maybe you want to do the same!


3- Crystals for confidence with romance

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If you need crystals for confidence with dating, love, or romance, I recommend you get your hands on a Rose Quartz necklace and wear it as much as you can.

Rose Quartz is the “love stone” and can help boost your self-confidence in the love and romance department in so many ways!

First, rose quartz helps soften you toward your romantic partner and has a feminine energy that eases communication.

Second, rose quartz can help you get out of a funk if you’ve been unlucky in love for six months or more and you suspect your state of being is holding you back from what you desire.

Rose quartz also helps break up stagnant energy like anger, fear, and jealousy so that they don’t create any blockages between you and your love.

Finally, if you want to manifest your ex back, working with rose quartz while trying some of these secret manifesting tricks can help you out!


4- Crystals for confidence and courage

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Next, the best crystal for confidence and courage would be Tiger’s Eye.

Let’s say you have something major coming up. Like you have a big presentation, or you’re an artist and have to go perform.

Just before going out on that stage or going up to speak, you’ll probably be a little bit scared, right?

Tiger’s Eye is a crystal that can help you feel confident enough to get out there.

It helps with things like anxiety or nervousness that could hold you back from doing your best!

For best results, hold a Tiger’s Eye stone in both hands before the big event and then put it either on your third eye or in front of you.

You’ll have a strong sense of confidence and a boost of energy that helps you get the results you desire.

You can also carry one with you during your performance (in your pocket, bag, etc) to keep calm!


5- Crystals for confidence and anxiety

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Next, popular confidence-boosting crystal to have on-hand for anxiety is Amethyst.

Amethyst crystal is such a powerful stone to build confidence and reduce anxiety because it helps to keep you grounded and calm so that anxiety doesn’t get the best of you.

Another healing property of amethyst that it has a calming effect on your circulatory system, which will help with stress management as well.

You can carry around an Amethyst stone in your pocket or purse during stressful situations for relief.

Or wear an amethyst necklace as much as you can to keep you feeling calm, grounded, safe, and secure.


Final Thoughts

It can be hard to find the confidence you need in order to go out there and do what it is that your heart desires.

Crystals are a great way to remind yourself of just how important, knowledgeable, powerful, determined, and capable you really are!

If you need general help with boosting your self-confidence, get your hands on a piece of Citrine healing stone.

But, if you have more specific needs, check out the other recommended confidence crystal options to boost your self-confidence.

Good luck, and happy manifesting!



More Crystals For You


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5 Healing Crystals For Self-Confidence & Self-Love