If you want to manifest miracles into your life with the law of attraction, you have to send the right message to the universe. And this quick blog post will show you exactly how. So read on to discover how to send crystal-clear messages to the universe so that you’ll have greater chances of getting what you want.
Are You Ready To Communicate With The Universe?
If you’re really serious about getting your manifestation requests across clearly, you need to get your free numerology reading.
You are reading this message right now about how to send messages from the universe, and that means that you’ve already started improving your chances, and thus, you’re on the right track!
It’s just that few things are as powerful as the information hidden in your numerology report when it comes to strengthening your relationship with the divine.
And what’s more, if you aren’t yet aware of this information, you’re likely missing out on your biggest blessings!
What’s really marvelous about your numerology reading is that the sooner you get it done, the sooner the universe “sees” and “hears” you.
And the sooner the universe sees and hears you, the sooner you can manifest!
It’s like an avalanche of action, and that’s so awesome, is it not?
After you see what the numbers have to say about you and follow that sage advice, you’ll be so in tune!
You’ll start to send and receive clear messages all the time.
And that will lead you straight down path of your dreams.
It’s unbelievable, and you have got to experience it for yourself!
Get your free numerology reading, unlock the hidden messages in your sacred numbers, and experience the world as your personal playground.
Just as it was meant to be.
1- Create a Dream Board
One of the easiest (and most fun) manifesting techniques to help you send a crystal clear message to the universe is by creating a dream board (also known as a vision board).
Vision boards are popular for good reason!
A dream board creates a visual reminder of the goal you want to manifest, and it becomes a nifty focal point for your affirmations, meditation, and other visualization work.
Create a board or space on your wall that is filled with images of what you want.
Or, you can even create a digital vision board for your laptop, tablet or smartphone!
Whatever vision board method you choose, the pictures should represent the various aspects of your life that you are seeking to improve.
You can use words or phrases or other physical objects in your collection.
If you use a physical dream board, place it somewhere where you will see it often.
A digital vision board is already in prime position (which is why I highly recommend it!)
Every time you see your vision board, think about what you want, and ask the universe to bring this reality to you.
2- Use a Focus Wheel
A focus wheel is another manifestation technique you can use to send messages to the universe.
The benefit of a focus wheel is that it also helps to clarify your goal and remind you of the positive beliefs you will need to foster to attract this dream into your life.
To create the wheel, start by drawing a small circle in the center of a paper. Within in, write what it is you want.
Draw a concentric ring around this goal, and inside this circle, write one positive thought or belief you have about this goal.
This can be anything that helps you get closer to achieving this goal.
Draw another concentric circle around this one and do the same thing.
Repeat until the page is filled. What you are left with is a list of the powerful and positive messages, values, and thoughts you have that will help you get what you want.
Place this visual reminder somewhere prominent and read it every day.
3- Create a Focus Object
Some people prefer to use an object rather than images or words to help them ask for what they want.
If this resonates with you, select an object that represents your preferred reality, the goal you are trying to manifest.
For example, if you want to manifest your dream home or car, you might select a house or car key as your focus object.
As you impart your desires onto the focus object, hold it and touch it while you speak your message to the universe.
Every time you see or feel this object, it becomes a reminder and a talisman to ask for what you want.
You can put it in your pocket to remind you to focus and seek your goals.
Or if you choose manifesting crystals as your focus objects, you can even wear them as stylish jewelry pieces!
Use focus objects during meditations or visualization exercises.
Or simply touch it whenever you need motivation or a boost in your confidence.
4- Practice Gratitude
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Finally, when you focus on gratitude, you communicate to the universe what you want and what you value.
When you are thankful, you will have more to be grateful for.
Take time every day to focus on your gratitude, to remind yourself of the way your life is positively influenced, and the positive emotions and thoughts that are generated by your gratitude list.
The more you focus on what is positive, the more positivity you will find in your life.
5- Send Positive Thoughts As Messages To The Universe
Finally, I’m going to let you in on a little secret.
You don’t really need special tricks to send messages to the universe.
I know it might sound hard to believe at first, but once you wrap your mind around this concept you’ll realize that it’s so much easier and natural than you ever imagined.
Truly, all you need is your thoughts!
Many of us (myself included) enjoy creative projects, manifestation games, exercises, objects and rituals because they do help.
But at least to me, they help because they are a physical representation of your intention.
The thing is, that’s all they are. They are physical representations of your intentions – they aren’t the intentions themselves.
Thoughts are things.
Just by thinking repeatedly and sending your intentions through your thoughts out into the universe, you are already doing the work!
That’s why affirmations work so well if you use them regularly and repeat them often.
You can’t hold negative thoughts at the same time as speaking positivity, love and light into the world and over yourself.
I promise if you put your hand over your heart three times a day for 30 days, take a deep breath, and send positive intentions out into the universe, that’s all it really takes to see some shifts in your life.
Final Thoughts On Communicating With The Universe
Congrats on making it this far and learning how you can send clear messages to the universe!
Just by doing this, you are already on your way to understanding the power of the divine, and that means you’re ready to go deeper.
The next natural step is to make sure you receive your free numerology reading.
Few things are as powerful as numerology, as you’ll soon see.
But I’m not going to tell you that the information you’ll uncover will make you more prosperous, more attractive, more successful, and more loved and respected by everyone you know.
It’s better for you to find that out on your own.
That way, it’ll be a much more personal, special, and beautiful experience.