This is a blog post describing the different meanings of the Four of Wands tarot card in the Minor Arcana of the standard Rider-Waite deck. Read on to discover the different meanings of the Four of Wands upright and reversed for money, love, and other situations in your life.
Four of Wands Tarot Card Keywords
Upright: Celebration, reunion, coming home, community success, teamwork, success, feeling welcome, feeling accepted, self-esteem, pride, prosperity, stability, success, home-building, new house, stable relationships, surprise party, strong foundation, social event, office event
Reversed: Lack of community, feeling isolated, feeling unwelcome, feeling unaccepted, low self-esteem, insecurity, instability, impotence, homelessness, family problems, relationship problems, unpredictable times, unforeseen expenditures, unhappy family, no personal power
Four of Wands as Feelings
When it comes to feelings, the four wands is generally a positive card. If you are asking about your love life, it can indicate that you are feeling loved and supported by your partner.
You may be feeling happy in your relationship and ready to take things to the next level. Alternatively, if you are single, it can represent a new relationship that is based on friendship and mutual support.
Reversed, the four wands can represent feeling isolated and alone. You may feel like you are not part of a community or that you are not accepted by those around you. This can be a sign of low self-esteem or insecurity.
You may also feel like you are not succeeding in your endeavors, leading to feelings of instability and impotence.
Four of Wands as How Someone Sees You
The four wands can also represent how someone sees you. If this is the case, it generally means that they see you as a loyal and supportive friend.
They may also see you as someone who is family-oriented and always puts others first.
Generally speaking, the four of wands means someone is fond of you and thinks you are a good person.
You are someone that they want to keep in their life for the long-haul, whatever the relationship will be.
They see you as solid, grounded, and someone they can always count on.
Reversed, this card can indicate that someone sees you as needy and clingy.
They may think you are too dependent on others and that you don’t have a strong sense of self. Alternatively, it can also mean that they see you as being closed off and unwilling to let anyone in. If this is the case, it’s likely because you have been hurt in the past and are now guarding your heart.
They can sense that you are holding back and that you’re not being completely honest with them. As a result, they may not want to get too close to you for fear of getting hurt themselves.
Four of Wands as What Someone Wants
If you’re wondering what someone wants from you and you pull the four of wands, they likely want to keep you around in their life.
They see you as someone who adds good things to their life and they want to keep that positive energy around.
This person likely wants a loyal and supportive friend, someone they can count on no matter what. They may also want someone who is family-oriented and always puts others first.
Reversed, the four of wands can represent someone who wants to break away from you, however.
They do not trust you and think that you are not good for them.
They may see you as toxic and feel that you threaten their sense of stability.
Upright Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
Generally speaking, the upright Four of Wands brings good news. It’s a card of celebration, reunion, and coming home. It indicates that you are surrounded by people who love and support you.
You may be feeling a strong sense of community spirit and teamwork. This is a time of success, prosperity, and stability in your life. You may also be feeling proud of your achievements and laying down roots.
If you are in a relationship, the Four of Wands can represent a happy and healthy union. You and your partner may be celebrating a special milestone or event. Alternatively, it can also represent pregnancy or the birth of a child.
This is generally a very positive card, indicating that all is well in your world.
Upright Four of Wands Card For Relationships
If you’re in a committed relationship and the Four of Wands shows up in your reading, it means that the relationship is happy and healthy.
You and your partner are supportive of each other and share a strong sense of loyalty. You may also be celebrating a special milestone or event together. Alternatively, this card can also represent pregnancy or the birth of a child.
Good times are coming for you when the four of wands appear in a love reading.
So even if things aren’t looking so great now, rest assured that better days are on the horizon.
If you’re single, the Four of Wands indicates that you will soon meet someone special.
This person will be loyal and supportive, and they will quickly become an important part of your life.
You may also meet them through friends or family or through a shared community or interest.
If you are an extroverted person or social butterfly, lean into your natural tendencies to go out and mingle.
Now is a favorable time for you to put yourself out there and meet someone new.
Upright Four of Wands For Money & Career
If your main concern is your career path when the Four of Wands shows up, you are on the right track and making progress towards your goals.
You may also be feeling proud of your achievements and enjoying a sense of stability in your work life.
You may be working with a team or group of people who are supportive and help you to succeed. Alternatively, this card can represent a business partnership that is going well.
If you’ve been waiting for a promotion or raise, the Four of Wands suggests that it’s coming your way.
You are being recognized for your hard work and dedication.
Keep up the good work!
Reversed Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings
When the Four of Wands appears reversed, it represents a sense of instability and insecurity.
You may be feeling lost and alone, as though you don’t fit in or belong anywhere.
Alternatively, this card can suggest that you are being ignored or neglected.
If you are in a relationship, the reversed Four of Wands suggests that there is trouble in paradise.
When it comes to your social status, you may be outcast or others may be gossiping about you behind your back.
Overall, this is not a favorable card when it comes to relationships.
If you are single, the reversed Four of Wands indicates that you are feeling jilted or rejected.
You may have had your heart broken recently or been ghosted by someone you were interested in.
This can be a very painful experience, but try to remember that it is not a reflection of your worth.
Life is full of ups and downs, and you will find your way.
Reversed Four of Wands Card For Relationships
If you are in a committed relationship and the Four of Wands shows in a reversed position, be forewarned that there may be trouble ahead.
You or your partner may be feeling neglected or ignored, and this can lead to a feeling of resentment.
But the thing with the four of wands is that there’s a tendency and desire to portray a positive image to the world, even when things aren’t going so great behind closed doors.
So there may be passive-aggressive behavior where you may not even notice that there’s a problem until it’s too late.
You’ll have to follow your intuition on this one and pay attention to the signs.
This card is a common divorce/break-up card, so you need to beware of other pairings.
If you get the four of wands reversed paired with the Death tarot card, for example, then the writing is on the wall.
If you’re single, the reversed Four of Wands is a sign that you’re feeling insecure and down on yourself.
You may have recently been ghosted or had your heart broken, and this has made you doubt your self-worth.
Furthermore, you may be feeling like everyone is in a relationship except for you.
The four of wands reversed usually shows when others are getting married, having babies, and moving on with their lives while you’re stuck in the same place.
But try not to let this get you down.
The fact is, we all move at our own pace in life. And what’s meant for you will come to you in due time.
Patience is key.
Reversed Four of Wands For Money & Career
The Four of Wands reversed in a career reading means that you are feeling lost, confused, and insecure in your job.
You may be doubting your abilities and feeling like you’re in over your head.
Alternatively, this card can represent a business partnership that is not going well.
If you are waiting for a promotion or raise, the reversed Four of Wands suggests that it’s not coming anytime soon.
You may be feeling undervalued and unappreciated at work.
But the good news is that this is a temporary setback.
Things will eventually turn around, so hang in there and don’t give up.
In terms of money, the reversed Four of Wands suggests that you are feeling financially insecure and somewhat trapped.
You can see the success of others whether in your personal life or on television.
And while you may instinctively know it’s possible for you to live a better life, you don’t know how to get there.
This can lead to feelings of jealousy, resentment, and even despair.
But don’t lose hope.
The reversed Four of Wands is a sign that things will eventually get better.
You just have to be patient and take things one day at a time.
Final Thoughts On The Four of Wands Card
Congrats on taking the first step to work with the tarot and learning to read for yourself and those you love!
The Four of Wands is a great card because it is all about celebrating new beginnings, which can be very exciting.
However, this card can also represent a time of change, which can be scary for some people.
But no matter what, the message from the Four of Wands is always the same: everything will work out in the end.
Now that you’ve already begun your journey, the next natural step is to make sure you receive your free numerology reading.
Few things are as powerful as numerology for helping you improve your tarot readings.
But I’m not going to tell you that the information you’ll uncover will make you a better tarot reader.
It’s better for you to get your reading and find that out for yourself.
That way, it’ll be a much more personal, special, and beautiful experience.