This is a blog post describing the different meanings of the Four of Pentacles tarot card in the Minor Arcana of the standard Rider-Waite deck. Read on to discover the different meanings of the Four of Pentacles upright and reversed for money, love, and other situations in your life.
Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords
Upright: Holding on to individuals/items/difficulties, deep-seated/past issues, squandering, control and possessiveness, financial security, money management for large expenditures or retirement savings, avarice, materialism, wealth, penny-pinching in order to save money, good relationship with money
Reversed: Giving, sharing, giving to others, making large purchases, openness, giving to a fault, financial insecurity/instability, financial loss (thieves), losing something valuable
Four of Pentacles as Feelings
In its upright position, the four of pentacles card can represent feelings of being bogged down. This may be from holding onto material objects, people, or past issues.
There may be a sense of squandering resources or feeling controlled and possessed.
In other cases, this can stem from a feeling of not having enough.
It’s the sense that there aren’t enough resources to go around so you have to hoard what you can while you can.
When reversed, the four of pentacles may represent feelings of giving or sharing.
This may be in the form of making large purchases, being open with others, or giving to a fault.
There may also be a sense of instability or financial insecurity.
This can come from financial loss, such as thieves, or simply losing something valuable.
Four of Pentacles as How Someone Sees You
When the four of pentacles is drawn in a reading for how someone sees you, it indicates that they see you as someone who is reliable and dependable.
They may also see you as thrifty or frugal.
In other cases they may see you as controlling or like you want to keep them all for yourself.
In its reversed position, this card indicates that someone sees you as generous or giving.
They may also see you as being open or making large purchases.
In some cases, they may see you as being financially unstable or insecure.
Four of Pentacles as What Someone Wants From You
In its upright position, the four of pentacles indicates that someone wants stability and security from you.
They may also want you to be thrifty or frugal with your resources.
They could also want more of your time, particularly if they feel like you aren’t giving them enough attention.
In other cases, they may want you to be more generous or giving.
When reversed, this card indicates that someone wants you to be more open or sharing.
They may want you to make a large purchase, or they may simply want you to be more giving in general.
They could also want you to be financially available to them so be careful that you don’t get taken advantage of.
Upright Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings
Generally speaking, the upright Four of Pentacles brings the energy of stability, security, and conservation.
This may manifest in terms of finances, work, relationships, or anything else in your life that you feel needs to be kept under control.
You may be feeling the need to hold onto what you have, whether that’s money, possessions, a person, or a situation.
You may be feeling like you need to protect yourself or your resources.
You may also be feeling thrifty or frugal at this time.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important to be aware of how this energy is affecting you and your life.
If you’re feeling too rigid or inflexible, it may be time to let go a little bit and allow yourself some space to breathe.
Upright Four of Pentacles Card For Love
If you’re in a committed relationship and the Four of Pentacles shows up in your reading, it means that the relationship is stable and secure and for that reason there’s room to relax.
You may be feeling possessive or jealous of your partner at this time.
It’s important to remember that a little bit of jealousy is normal in any relationship, but if it’s starting to take over then it’s time to have a conversation with your partner about how you’re feeling.
It’s likely that your feelings of jealousy at this time are unfounded.
It has nothing to do with your partner’s actions and is something you might need to work on.
Therefore, don’t be afraid to relax and give some space.
It’ll all be okay.
If you’re single and the Four of Pentacles appears in your reading, it means that you should try to enjoy this time in your life right now.
You may be feeling the need to hold onto something or someone, but it’s important to remember that nothing lasts forever.
This is a time for you to focus on yourself and your own needs.
Don’t be afraid to let go of anything or anyone that isn’t serving you.
Upright Four of Pentacles For Money & Career
If your main concern is your career path when the Four of Pentacles shows up, you should know that this is a good time to focus on your goals and put in the hard work required to achieve them.
You may have been feeling like you’re stuck in a rut, but this is the time to break out of it.
You may also be feeling thrifty or frugal with your money at this time.
This can be a good thing, but make sure you’re not being too stingy.
It’s important to strike a balance between saving and spending.
Reversed Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings
When the Four of Pentacles appears reversed, it represents a need for change.
You may be feeling constricted or trapped in a situation.
It’s time to break free and allow yourself some flexibility.
This may manifest in terms of your finances, work, relationships, or anything else in your life that you feel isn’t working for you.
You may be feeling the need to let go of something or someone.
You may also be feeling generous or giving at this time.
This is a good time to focus on giving, whether that’s giving of your time, energy, or resources.
Just be careful that you’re not being too giving to the point where it becomes detrimental to your own well-being.
Reversed Four of Pentacles For Love
If you’re in a committed relationship and the Four of Pentacles is reversed, it means that you may be feeling suffocated or trapped.
It’s time to have a conversation with your partner about how you’re feeling.
You may also be feeling generous or giving towards your partner.
This is a good time to focus on giving and sharing, but make sure you’re not doing so at the expense of your own wellbeing.
If you are single, the message is similar.
You may be feeling the need to let go of someone or something.
It’s important to focus on your own needs right now.
You may also be feeling generous or giving towards others.
Just make sure you’re not doing so at the expense of your own wellbeing.
Furthermore, look out for people who may only want you for your money.
Reversed Four of Pentacles For Money & Career
The Four of Pentacles reversed in a career reading means that you are likely feeling stuck in your current situation.
It’s time to make a change, even if that means taking a risk.
If you’re unable to make a shift, you have to try to find ways to make your current situation work for you.
This may also show up as feeling unappreciated at work or not being compensated fairly.
It’s time to consider what you can do to change the situation or move on to something better.
In terms of money, the Four of Pentacles reversed means that you may be feeling insecure about your financial situation.
You may be worried about losing what you have or not having enough.
This can also be a sign of financial loss either due to investments or thieves.
Watch out for scams and cons because you may be more vulnerable at this time.
Final Thoughts On The Four of Pentacles Card
Congrats on taking the first step to work with the tarot by learning more about the four of pentacles.
Now that you’ve already begun your journey, the next natural step is to make sure you receive your free numerology reading.
Few things are as powerful as numerology for helping you improve your tarot readings.
But I’m not going to tell you that the information you’ll uncover will make you a better tarot reader.
It’s better for you to get your reading and find that out for yourself.
That way, it’ll be a much more personal, special, and beautiful experience.