Have you ever reached a point in your life where you felt a deep sense of disappointment, despair, and betrayal? Perhaps you were betrayed by someone you trusted, or you experienced a profound loss or failure.
You felt that you had reached the end of a cycle, and that there was no way back.
You were forced to confront the harsh realities of life, and to let go of what was no longer working.
You may have felt the pain, but you also knew that this was a necessary step to move forward, and you were ready to face the future with a new perspective.
That’s the Ten of Swords energy in action, bringing endings, pain, and clarity to your life.
Read on to discover the different meanings of the Ten of Swords upright and reversed for money, love, and other situations in your life.
Ten of Swords Tarot Card Keywords
Upright: endings, finality, loss, surrender, defeat, abandonment, betrayal, pain, suffering, grief, heartache, sorrow, despair, emotional turmoil, inner turmoil, mental anguish, emptiness, void, desolation, isolation, loneliness, powerlessness, nervous breakdowns, mental breakdowns, chronic fatigue, dark clouds
Reversed: beginnings, new beginnings, renewal, healing, recovery, growth, transformation, moving on, letting go, inner strength, resilience, acceptance, inner peace, mental clarity, emotional stability, emotional healing, inner wisdom, insight, closure, completion, freedom, empowerment
Ten of Swords as Feelings
Upright, the Ten of Swords represents feelings of finality, loss, heartache, despair, and powerlessness. The Ten of Swords can symbolize the end of a chapter in your life or a painful defeat. It may also represent feelings of grief, sorrow, betrayal, and abandonment.
Reversed, the Ten of Swords signifies new beginnings and moving on. It can refer to healing from past pain and the start of a new journey. The Ten of Swords reversed often symbolizes inner strength, resilience, acceptance, emotional healing, and freedom.
Ten of Swords as How Someone Sees You
Upright, the Ten of Swords may suggest that someone sees you as powerless or defeated. This could be because of a past experience that has left them feeling betrayed, abandoned, and let down.
Reversed, the Ten of Swords indicates that someone admires your resilience and inner strength. They may recognize your capacity to move on from difficult situations and recognize your courage as you navigate the challenges of life.
Ten of Swords as Advice
Upright, the Ten of Swords may be asking you to accept the end of a situation and find closure so that you can move on with your life. It could also indicate that it is time to let go of any pain or bitterness from the past.
Reversed, the Ten of Swords encourages you to tap into your inner strength and resilience. It suggests that you are capable of overcoming any obstacles in your path and reminds you to trust in yourself. The Ten of Swords reversed can also be a sign that it is time to embrace new beginnings and start anew.
Ten of Swords as What Someone Wants From You
Upright, the Ten of Swords may suggest that someone wants you to accept the end of things and find closure. They may also want you to acknowledge any pain or suffering caused by a past experience.
Reversed, the Ten of Swords could indicate that someone admires your courage and inner strength. They may ask for your help in navigating a difficult situation or tap into your wisdom and insight. The Ten of Swords reversed could also signify that someone wants to share in the joys of a new beginning with you.
Upright Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
Generally speaking, the upright Ten of Swords brings with it a message of finality, loss, and defeat. It can indicate that something is coming to an end and while this may be painful in the short term, it will ultimately lead to new beginnings.
This card can also remind you to honor your feelings and accept any losses or endings with grace.
An interesting thing about this card is that it’s one of the few in the tarot where the upright meaning is negative and the reversed is positive.
Take this into consideration when this card appears in your tarot readings.
Upright Ten of Swords Card For Love
If you’re in a committed relationship and the Ten of Swords shows up in your reading, it means that the relationship is coming to an end. This could be a breakup or a separation, and it’s important to accept the finality of this situation.
If you’re single, the Ten of Swords suggests that it may not be the best time for romance. It might mean that you have unresolved issues from past relationships that need to be addressed before moving on.
Upright Ten of Swords For Money & Career
If your main concern is your career path when the Ten of Swords shows up, then it could suggest that something is coming to an end or that you’re about to experience a difficult defeat.
It’s important to remember that this situation will lead to new beginnings and ultimately, success.
If your main concern is money when the Ten of Swords shows up in your reading, then it might indicate losses or financial setbacks. This could be a sign that it’s time to take stock of your financial situation and make some changes.
Reversed Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meanings
When the Ten of Swords appears reversed, it represents hope and optimism. This card is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Even though the situation may seem hopeless, it is not. You are capable of overcoming any obstacles that come your way and making a new start.
Remember that this card is a sign that you have the inner strength and courage to move forward.
Never give up hope and trust in yourself.
Reversed Ten of Swords Card For Relationships
If you are in a committed relationship and the Ten of Swords shows in a reversed position, this is a sign that it is time to embrace new beginnings and start anew.
It could indicate that the relationship needs some work but the time for healing has finally come.
You may have recently experienced a difficult situation in the relationship, but this card is a sign that it’s time to move on and begin anew.
If you are single, the reversed Ten of Swords can be a message from the Universe that your luck in relationships is about to change for the better.
It could be a sign that there will be more opportunities for love and connection in the near future.
Make sure you are open to these opportunities, and don’t be afraid to take a chance on love.
Reversed Ten of Swords Card For Money & Career
If your main concern is money when you draw the reversed Ten of Swords, then it could be a sign that you are about to experience financial gain or abundance.
This card is a reminder that you have the power to transform your financial situation and to create a brighter future.
It could also suggest that it is time to let go of any self-limiting beliefs or habits that may be preventing you from achieving financial success.
If your career path or professional life is the main concern when you draw the reversed Ten of Swords, then it is a sign that things are about to take a positive turn.
This card encourages you to stay open and trust in your potential.
You will be able to make great strides if you focus on your ambitions and have faith in yourself. This could manifest itself in the form of a promotion or a better job opportunity.
Take this chance and make the most of it!
Final Thoughts On The Ten of Swords Card
Congrats on taking the first step to work with the tarot and learning to read for yourself and those you love!
Although it may seem scary or intimidating at first, the Ten of Swords card is a powerful reminder that even in the midst of pain or difficulty, there is always an opportunity to start anew.
This card encourages you to tap into your inner strength and resilience and make use of this time to create lasting change.
Now that you’ve already begun your journey, get your free numerology reading.
Few things are as powerful as numerology for helping you improve your tarot readings.
But I’m not going to tell you that the information you’ll uncover will make you a better tarot reader.
It’s better for you to get your reading and find that out for yourself.
That way, it’ll be a much more personal, special, and beautiful experience.