This is a blog post describing the different meanings of the Ten of Pentacles tarot card in the Minor Arcana of the standard Rider-Waite deck. Read on to discover the different meanings of the Ten of Pentacles upright and reversed for money, love, and other situations in your life.
Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Keywords
Upright: security, stability, abundance, prosperity, financial success, strong financial foundation, belonging, connection, community, family, emotional grounding, support system, contentment, legacy, knowledge, resources, generosity, sharing, gifting, gratitude, a windfall of money, lump sum income, successful investments, family business, family stability, long-term security, long-term success
Reversed: insecurity, instability, lack of abundance, financial struggles, disconnection, isolation, lack of belonging, emotional instability, lack of support, uncertainty, lack of grounding, inability to provide for oneself or loved ones, lack of financial success, lack of a strong financial foundation, difficulty in sharing or gifting, lack of gratitude, fleeting success, financial dispute, family disputes, conflict over money
Ten of Pentacles as Feelings
In tarot readings, the Ten of Pentacles is generally associated with feelings of security, stability, and abundance.
When this card appears upright, it often indicates that you are feeling financially secure and emotionally grounded.
It can also suggest a sense of family and community and a feeling of belonging.
When the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed, it can indicate feelings of a lack of financial security or stability.
It may also suggest a sense of disconnection or isolation from family or community or a lack of belonging. This card can also indicate a lack of emotional security or stability and a feeling of uncertainty or instability in your personal life.
Ten of Pentacles as How Someone Sees You
When the Ten of Pentacles appears upright, the person sees you as a source of security, stability, and abundance.
In some cases, this is good, but in other cases, you could be taken advantage of for your money or financial resources.
This also suggests that they see you as emotionally grounded and that they feel a sense of belonging and connection with you.
When the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed, it may indicate that someone sees you as a source of insecurity or instability.
They either see you as lacking in financial security or emotional stability or they feel a lack of connection or belonging with you.
It could also suggest that they see you as disconnected or isolated from your family or community.
Ten of Pentacles as What Someone Wants From You
When it comes to what someone wants from you, the Ten of Pentacles upright suggests that they are looking for a sense of security or stability in their relationship with you.
This could mean that they want to feel financially secure when they are with you or that they want to feel emotionally grounded and supported by you.
Alternatively, the Ten of Pentacles may suggest that someone wants you to be a source of abundance for them, whether providing financial support or resources or offering emotional support and a sense of belonging.
If the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed, it could indicate that the person wants you to help them overcome feelings of insecurity or instability.
This could mean that they are looking for financial support or assistance or that they want you to provide emotional support and guidance to help them feel more grounded and secure.
Upright Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings
Generally speaking, the upright Ten of Pentacles brings messages of good fortune and abundance.
It suggests that you are secure in your finances and emotionally grounded.
This card also indicates that you have a strong sense of family and community and a feeling of belonging. Additionally, this card can suggest that you will be leaving behind a legacy for generations to come.
The thing about the Ten of Pentacles is that it suggests abundance, but it is long-lasting and not due to some quick scheme.
It means generational wealth, steady investments, and the ability to pass down knowledge.
It also suggests that you can count on the support of your family or community for financial stability and emotional security.
The Ten of Pentacles is a reminder to be grateful for all the abundance in your life and to use it as a source of exploration and growth rather than security or comfort.
If you are struggling with financial problems, this card can be an encouragement to focus on making innovative and sustainable decisions when it comes to your finances.
It is also a reminder to build relationships with the people in your life that give you a sense of belonging, security, and stability.
Upright Ten of Pentacles Card For Love
If you’re in a committed relationship and the Ten of Pentacles shows up in your reading, the relationship is stable and secure.
This card suggests that you have a strong connection and can provide emotional stability and security to each other.
If you’re looking for a serious relationship, the Ten of Pentacles can indicate that you will find someone who is steadfast, loyal, and committed.
Your partner will be supportive of your financial and emotional needs, as well as your goals.
It can also suggest that you’re looking for a long-term commitment or marriage with someone who will provide security and stability.
Upright Ten of Pentacles For Money & Career
When the Ten of Pentacles appears upright in a tarot reading related to money and career, it can indicate that financial stability and security are on the horizon.
You’ll likely benefit from a stable source of income and a solid financial foundation and will be able to provide for yourself and your loved ones.
You will soon be flooded with feelings of abundance and prosperity in your career.
You’ll find your work engaging, and creative, yet challenging enough to keep you motivated and striving for more.
You’ve come so far and can enjoy the fruits of your labor.
For money, the Ten of Pentacles suggests that you’ll have plenty to go around and will be able to build a strong financial foundation for yourself and your family.
You may also benefit from investments or inheritances, which can provide long-term financial security.
Reversed Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings
When the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed, it represents an unstable foundation and a lack of emotional and financial security.
It suggests there has been a breakdown in family relationships or domestic disputes, which could lead to unexpected changes or losses.
This card can also indicate that you are not feeling secure enough to plan for the future, whether financially or otherwise.
You may feel your efforts are not appreciated or as if you’re on shaky ground.
It can also suggest an atmosphere of cold-heartedness and a lack of trust in relationships.
The reversed Ten of Pentacles warns you to avoid financial schemes, money laundering, or other illegal activities.
It’s a reminder to focus on creating long-term, sustainable solutions instead of short-term gains.
Reversed Ten of Pentacles Card For Relationships
If you are in a committed relationship and the Ten of Pentacles shows in a reversed position, be forewarned that the relationship is not as stable and secure as you may think.
Your partner may be feeling neglected, or it could be that your expectations of them are too high.
It can also indicate that one of you is more interested in money than the other, leading to a breakdown in trust and communication.
This card suggests that both of you need to work on building a solid foundation of trust and understanding before the relationship can thrive.
In some cases, it could mean that you or your partner are looking outside of the relationship for emotional security and stability.
So if you get the feeling that something suspicious may be going on – it’s likely not all in your head!
If you’re single and the Ten of Pentacles appears reversed, it could indicate that you are not in a position to find love.
You may be focused on money or material things, or it could mean that you’re trying to find stability unconventionally.
It can also suggest that you are looking for someone who will provide financial security or marry for money rather than true love.
While this may work for some, it’s not the most reliable way to find a partner that is s taying true to yourself and your values.
The best advice for the reversed Ten of Pentacles is to focus on building a secure foundation for yourself, both financially and emotionally.
Make sure your relationships are based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect.
If you do have money worries or concerns, take steps to address them directly to create stability and security.
Reversed Ten of Pentacles For Money & Career
The Ten of Pentacles reversed in a career reading means that you are not feeling secure or stable in your job.
You may not be sure of your future prospects, or it could mean that you are not being adequately paid for your efforts and hard work.
This card is warning you to be mindful of money schemes and dodgy investments, as they can lead to huge losses.
Instead, focus on creating long-term, sustainable plans that will ensure your financial security.
If you’re planning to make a big career move, it’s important to do so with caution and forethought.
The Ten of Pentacles reversed also warns you not to get too caught up in the idea of “new money” or flashy displays of wealth.
Instead, focus on creating solid foundations for yourself that will stand the test of time.
It also reminds you to be honest and fair in your dealings with others – if someone is trying to take advantage of you or give you a hard deal, it’s best not to budge.
When it comes to money, dishonesty will only lead to disaster in the long run.
Overall, the reversed Ten of Pentacles is a warning that you should take time to build strong foundations for yourself and your loved ones – be it financially or emotionally. It’s important to create stability and security from within, so that no matter what life throws at you, you are
Final Thoughts On The Ten of Pentacles Card
Congrats on taking the first step to work with the tarot and learning to read for yourself and those you love!
The Ten of Pentacles is a great card because it speaks to the importance of creating a secure foundation for yourself and your loved ones.
This card reminds us that money isn’t everything, and that true stability comes from within.
Make sure you take the time to build strong relationships with those around you, as this will ensure that you have a support system no matter what life throws at you.
Now that you’ve already begun your journey, the next natural step is to make sure you receive your free numerology reading.
Few things are as powerful as numerology for helping you improve your tarot readings.
But I’m not going to tell you that the information you’ll uncover will make you a better tarot reader.
It’s better for you to get your reading and find that out for yourself.
That way, it’ll be a much more personal, special, and beautiful experience.