You may have been through a difficult breakup, but the Universe may still be trying to send you signs that you and your ex are meant to be together. In this blog post, we will explore nine spiritual signs the universe wants you to be with your ex. Manifest Your Ex Back In DAYS …
Get Your Ex Back
Discover the best tips, tricks, and secrets to manifest your ex back with the law of attraction.
Did you know that you can use positive affirmations to manifest a specific person? Positive affirmations are one of the best law of attraction and manifestation techniques that you can use to create a loving relationship with someone specific – even if there are challenges in the way! In this article, we’ll explore some of …
You and your ex are no longer a thing, but you know deep down inside that you have an unbreakable bond. It’s almost like you feel your ex’s emotional energy. But can they feel yours, too? Here are 13 spiritual signs that your ex feels your energy. What does it mean to feel …
You keep seeing angel numbers after a breakup because the Universe wants you to know that you are exactly where you need to be at that time. You can look at this as a message of comfort and security that even though times are emotionally tough, you’re not alone. And depending on the angel number …
If you’re wondering how to manifest someone to text you, you’ve landed on the right page! By the end of this article, you’ll know everything you need to know about how to manifest a text from your crush, your ex, or anyone else! How to manifest a text from your SP quickly If you’re …
Have you heard of the bay leaf manifestation ritual and want to know how to use it to manifest a specific person? If so, this blog post is for you! Read on to discover what the bay leaf manifestation ritual is, why it works, and how you can use it to manifest someone specific into …
This article will show you a fast and quick way to manifest your ex back with subliminal affirmations. Whether you’re new to this idea or if you’ve tried it before with poor results, you’ll discover a quick and easy process to get back into the arms of the one you love. What are …
If you want to learn how to manifest the truth from someone who you think may be lying to you, this is the blog post for you! Truthfully speaking, there are a set of practical and psychological hacks that you can use to get them to tell you the truth. However, in many cases, it …
If you’re heartbroken because you’ve just been dumped by your ex-boyfriend, I have some good news to share. You can manifest your ex back with the reverse scripting method! This process is called the “scripting method”. I wrote about it before, but I wanted to share with you a special trick I found on Master …
If you’ve experienced a bad breakup and are feeling stuck, this blog post will help you learn how to spiritually release your ex so you can move on with your life. I hope this blog post gives you all the spiritual steps to feel inspired, uplifted, and confident that there is so much light at the …
“Why do I still feel connected to my ex?” If it’s been a short time since your breakup, naturally, you’ll still feel connected to your ex. But what if you’ve been broken up for several weeks, months, or even years? What if one or both of you has seemingly moved on, and you should be …
Can you manifest the wrong person? The short answer to whether or not its possible to manifest the wrong person is yes, you can manifest the wrong person. But the whole truth is much more complicated than that. If you’ve been working on manifesting a specific person and it seems to be working, but you’re manifesting attention …
If you’ve been dumped and are heartbroken over your ex, you will benefit from learning how to manifest your ex back in 24 hours overnight. Read on to discover the simple steps to take to get back into the arms of the one you love. Do You Believe You Can Manifest Your Ex …
Can you manifest someone to break up? More specifically, if your ex is in a new relationship with someone else, can you manifest them to separate? The answer to this question is yes, you can manifest someone to break up with their new girlfriend. However, it is not as easy as it sounds and there …
If you’ve yet to try positive affirmations to get your ex back, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful tools for changing your thoughts and beliefs about love. These positive messages can help you release negative emotions and feel more confident about manifesting your ex back. In this blog post, you’ll get a huge list …
This is a guide of spiritual signs that your ex is never coming back, and how to cope if you decide this is the case for you. First, I know it’s tough to believe that the person you love with all your heart will not come back. You want signs from the universe that maybe …
If you’ve tried different manifestation rituals for manifesting your ex back, you might wonder how to know if it’s working. In this blog post, you’ll discover the top spiritual signs to look for that’ll tell you if your love manifestation is close. 1- Your ex texts you first A sign your law of …
It’s been a while since you broke up with your ex, and the pain feels unbearable. If you’re wondering if they’re thinking of you, read on to learn the top spiritual & psychic signs that your ex misses you. How spiritual signs work You may be wondering how these spiritual signs can show that your …
Have you been hopelessly trying to get your ex back? You’ve tried everything, but nothing has worked, so perhaps it’s time for some new ideas. Recently, Shiela S., reached out to me with a success story of how she got her ex back, and she wanted me to share her story with you. So read on to …
Today I want to share the four-step process you should take immediately to get the help you need with getting your ex to come back to you. This will make him regret his decision and come crawling back to you on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness! 1- Get Centered & Grounded First, …