Here’s a collection of SUPER easy money manifestation rituals that’ll help you attract real, spendable cash into your life. Enjoy!
Money Manifestation Ritual Materials
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Before we get started, I wanted to give you a quick explanation of items you’ll need to complete these magick money manifestation rituals.
If you spend any length of time working at this, you’ll quickly learn some things that hold steady as a general rule. Like color representation, the significance of different herbs, and such.
So, while these items are specific to the rituals in this list, rest assured they’ll come in handy for other manifestation rituals and spells too!
1- Green Spell Candles
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First, understand that the color green represents money in money magic rituals. Therefore, I recommend you invest in an inexpensive pack of green candles.
Keep in mind that you do NOT need to buy pricey, glittery candles for magic rituals. The magic is in the intention, not in the product.
Additionally, you’ll need to burn the candles all the way to the end. So you want to get smaller candles, or you’ll be burning forever. (For some spells, you will need bigger, 7-day candles and such, but these do not require that.)
The reason you need so many candles is that some rituals take more than one candle.
Also, you might really enjoy these and want to repeat them to add to your results.
Just trust me, it’s always a good idea to have all the supplies you need right upfront.
2- Candle Holder
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If you already have a candle holder that fits whatever candles you wind up using, you don’t need to buy another one. But for some rituals, you need to place paper underneath the burning candle, so you need to have a safe, stable candle holder that you can trust not to burn the house down! This one is perfect for the size of candles recommended in all three of these money rituals. And if you perform more candle magick, you’ll probably wind up using these a LOT!
3- Cinnamon & Patchouli Incense
[amazon box=”B001H4KFQM, B001BPJZIG” grid=”2″]
Next, you’ll need both cinnamon and patchouli incense to complete these spells. I love the HEM brand of incense (it’s got a rich, high-quality fragrance, and the pricing is great too!)
You need both cinnamon and patchouli for these rituals. You can find bundles sometimes that have both included, but I find I often need more of each fragrance over time. It’s best to have enough of each, but do what works best for you!
I have written about another incense money manifesting ritual using the HEM brand if you want to check that out!
4- Green Velvet Money Bag
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Next, one of these money magic spells requires you to place specific ingredients inside of a small bag and carry it with you. You can use any bag, but it must be green. If you have a green handkerchief or bandana already, that would also work. I had an old one that I used to tie my hair with at night and tried this with that, and it still worked. Remember it’s always okay to use what you have!
5- Dried Basil or Cinnamon
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Finally, you’ll need either dried basil or cinnamon. The kind you likely already have in your kitchen cabinet is perfect. I just love repurposing regular, schmegular everyday items for magic! These are both “power money” herbs. Neither is better or worse than the other. Use what you have!
Okay, now that you know what you’ll need for these money manifestation ritual exercises, let’s learn how to do them!
3 Easy Money Manifestation Rituals & Spells
1- Fast Money Manifestation Ritual
This first money manifestation ritual is super-easy and works really quickly. But, it’s best for small amounts of money. Think $30 to $50 or so. Any higher than that and you’d be best served to try a different money spell.
Anyhow, all you need for this money manifestation spell is a green candle, a coin (the higher the coin value the better), and your cinnamon-scented incense.
How To Do The Fast Money Manifestation Ritual:
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First, take the coin and carve a dollar symbol into the side of the candle ($).
Second, light the incense, then use the incense to light the candle (this is important because it transfers the energy.)
Third, repeat this money intention seven times:
“As I set this wik afire, call in money I desire, As this incense burns to ash, sprinkle me with splendid cash”
Let the incense burn out naturally, then take some of the ashes outside and blow them out into the Universe.
Let the candle burn out as well. If it doesn’t burn all the way out in one session, light it again until it’s gone.
The ritual isn’t complete until your candle is burned all the way down.
2- 7×7 Money Multiplier Manifestation Bag
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This ritual is an easy way to 7x your money in seven days!
The way it works is you take your green velvet bag and put seven separate pieces of money inside.
Then you put in seven pinches of basil or cinnamon in the bag.
Shake the bag with the money and herbs in it and repeat this seven times:
“Seven times this bag I shake, means Seven times the money I’ll make”
The money can be any denomination you choose – coins or paper money (no checks though!)
But the thing is, your end result will be the amount of money you put into the bag multiplied by seven.
So let’s say you put three $1 bills, two $5 bills, and two $10 bills. That’s $33.
You stand to receive $33×7 from this money ritual, which is $231. Not bad!
After you’ve shaken the bag, carry it with you for seven days.
You don’t have to be too particular about this, and it’s okay to not have it glued to your side.
You can keep it in your purse or pocket. But I like to stuff mine in my bra during the day and sleep with it under my pillow at night.
(Manifesting while you sleep is AWESOME, let me tell you.)
3- Big Money Candle Magic Spell
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Finally, if you need larger sums of money this spell takes a bit more work, but it’s worth it!
For this one, you’ll need multiple green candles (it’s why I recommend buying in bulk), a dollar bill, and seven pieces of Patchouli incense.
First, write the amount of money you want on one side of the dollar bill. I like to use a black Sharpie pen to write, but really anything you use will do.
Pen is better than pencil.
Next, fold the money in half toward you. You always want to fold money toward you when you want to bring it your way.
Place one of the green candles in the candle holder, then set the money on your table and put the candle on top.
Light one stick of Patchouli incense, then light the candle, and repeat this phrase:
“All that glitters, green and gold shall be mine for me to hold, With sacred joy and blissful glee, money, money come to me”
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Allow both the incense and the candle to burn. Ideally, you want the candle to burn out all the way, but this is not always possible.
Spend at least 30 minutes to an hour letting the candle burn, but leave the money under the candle holder.
Repeat the money spell for seven consecutive days.
Use a new candle if/when your candles burn out. If you’re doing it right you should use between 4 and 7 candles over the 7 days.
On the last day, make sure the last candle burns down all the way. Then take the dollar bill and either spend it or store it somewhere you will forget about it completely.
If it takes longer than seven days for you to do everything that is fine, but it must be consecutive days.
If you do it on Monday thru Wednesday, slip up and forget Thursday then remember to try it again Friday, the chain is broken. You must start from day one.
Final Thoughts
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I hope you find these money manifestation rituals fun!
I know some are quicker and easier than others, but that’s just how it is!
To get the best results, remember that you must come from a place of positive vibration and crystal clear intentions.
Finally, if something in these rituals doesn’t feel right to you, or you feel intuitively that you want to switch something up and do it differently – do that!
I know it’s easy to get caught up in the “step-by-step” approach.
We want to do it perfectly and get it right.
But, my dear, YOU are the magic!
What works perfectly for me may fall flat for you, and vice versa.
Once you understand that it starts with your intention and realizing that you are a creator, you know you’re on your way to being a money manifesting machine.
With love, light, and most of all – magic,