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Manifestation Magic Honest Review 2023

This is an honest Manifestation Magic review (updated Dec 2022) based on personal experience as well as feedback from dozens of people who I’ve worked with over the past year or so. I absolutely love Manifestation Magic and think it’s one of the best money manifestation programs I’ve ever seen!

It is very unique in its approach to helping you manifest abundance, and as you’ll see if you read this review, it’s got lots of powerful technology that you really can’t find elsewhere. However, there’s something you need to know before you make your choice…

You might be able to save time, money and get the same or better results even faster if you start with something else first!

Manifestation Magic Honest Review

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Here’s The Perfect Solution If You Want To Manifest Now

If you’re serious about manifesting money sooner than later (and you don’t have tons of money to spend), you might benefit more from starting with a free numerology reading.

It’s such a simple solution that often goes overlooked because it’s not popular like astrology, hyped up like “The Secret”, or sexy like Manifestation Magic.

In fact, if you’re new to the concept of a numerology reading, your first reaction might be…

“What does my birthday and birth year have to do with money manifestation?”


“Numerology sounds really complicated and confusing. I’ll just buy a program to do all the work for me.”

But even if you do wind up investing in Manifestation Magic (which I highly recommend you do if you can,) you’d still be missing out if you didn’t get your free numerology reading first.

And I’ll tell you exactly why…

Your numerology chart holds permanent, non-changing information that is hardwired into your energetic and personality code based on the precise date and time you were born.

At this exact moment, you were given a specific set of gifts, skills, talents, challenges, karmic debts and credits, purposes, personality traits and more…

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people jump headfirst into the latest manifestation methods and programs without considering or even knowing that they might something in their background that could be standing in their way!

What winds up happening is they get their hands on their report, immediately discover the truth about their position in life, how it came to be, and how to change it, and then the whole world opens up in a way it never has before.

They start manifesting money just by thinking about it.

They find all sorts of money in random places.

New creative ideas to generate money pop up, new clients surface in their businesses, they manifest promotion and raises at their jobs without even asking.

It’s totally bananas!

Imagine all the time you’ll save by finding out beforehand if you have any blocks standing in your way…

Consider how much money you’ll keep in your pocket by getting tremendous results with a free reading.

Then visualize not only manifesting money, but becoming a magnet for all the good things you want out of life.

Money is just the beginning… what about love, a new car, your dream home?

All of this for free!

People tell me nearly every day that out of everything they’ve tried to improve their results with manifestation, the free numerology reading made the biggest difference.

So I wanted to be honest with you and make sure you knew about it first!

Even if you use Manifestation Magic (which, again, you absolutely should), make sure you spend the two minutes it takes to get your numerology report too!

You have literally nothing to lose (not even money!)

But you have so much to gain!

Get yours now.


Manifestation Magic Review

So, over the past year or two,  Manifestation Magic has steadily risen in popularity to become an online bestseller.

Despite selling thousands of copies, it still hasn’t become a household name like other traditional books have — not just yet anyway!

But, here’s the thing — Manifestation Magic does something these other manifestation systems simply don’t do.

It uses brainwave technology to heal your mindset on subconscious levels so that you can use the law of attraction to your fullest potential.

But you should always do your research!

Manifestation Magic should be analyzed thoroughly so that you can understand why and how it works. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do for you today!

I want to help you learn the ins and outs of the Manifestation Magic program so you can make the best choice.


7 Incredible Benefits Of Manifestation Magic


1- Manifestation Magic Success Stories

The moment you visit the official website, you’re hit with a wall of testimonials and success stories from people who have tried the product and seen progress in their lives. This social proof is priceless and proof that the product works, if you apply it.


2- Manifestation Magic 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Manifestation Magic is backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee. This inspires trust and takes all the risk off you. If you feel like the program doesn’t work for you, you can always get your investment back.


3- Bonus QuickStart Manifestation Guide

When you purchase the program, you’ll get a Quickstart Manifestation Guide to tell you what to expect in the program and how it all works together.


4- Free Audio Tracks

You’re also given a series of audio tracks that you’ll need to listen to. Here is where it gets a little technical. These audios are called Energy Orbiting Audios.

Quite frankly, this could just be a cool name and clever marketing.

However, they are just like subliminal videos or audios that work on your subconscious mind, where the magic happens.

One of the tracks is called Twilight Transformation and it’s a 20-minute audio that you’ll listen to every night before you sleep. This is when your subconscious mind is most susceptible to autosuggestion.

The other two audios are the Daytime Wealth Activator and the 10-Minute Meditator audio tracks. These are all designed to help you achieve the wealth and success you desire.

The official website talks a lot about altering your brainwaves with delta waves, beta waves and theta waves in the soundtrack. To the layman, all this talk about brainwaves is just confusing and sounds like gobbledygook.

All you really need to know is that these audio tracks are created in a way that helps your brain to easily absorb the positive suggestions within so that your own negative beliefs that are holding you back are wiped out and replaced with success-conscious thoughts. That’s when you’ll see results.


5- You Can Instantly Download Manifestation Magic

The product is an instant download. In fact, you could be listening to the Energy Orbiting audios and reading the Quickstart guide within 10 minutes of purchase. You can truly start changing your life today!


6- Even MORE Manifestation Bonuses

There are several attractive bonuses that come with the main product. Here’s a list of bonuses you’ll receive:


  • Manifestation Magic 360 Transformation System
  • The Chakra Power System
  • The Manifestation Magic App


7- Manifestation Magic Is Science-Backed

Manifestation Magic is based on sound scientific principles. This review has not gone into detail about the power of brain waves and their different frequencies because you’ll get a detailed explanation on the official website.

What’s important to know is that the science behind the product is solid, and that’s probably why it’s so effective for so many people. Do watch the video on the official website to get a full understanding and appreciation of how the product works.


The Drawbacks Of Manifestation Magic

While I absolutely love the Manifestation Magic program, we must acknowledge one thing… no review is fully complete without mentioning the bad parts.

Luckily, there are precious few. Here they go!


1- Makes It Look TOO Easy

The problem with most of these manifestations and law of attraction books, courses, etc. is that they make it look like no effort is required on your part.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Attraction = Attract + Action.

This formula is the missing key.

The Manifestation Magic audio tracks are fantastic for altering your brainwaves so that you attract positive things into your life… but ultimately, you’ll need to do the necessary work too.

So, be ready for that.

But one thing about the numerology chart is that in a subtle way it eliminates the need for you to have to take as much action. 

Like, okay, you’ll still need to do some things. 

However, when you take an active interest in actually learning things about spirituality and specifically what the universe intends for you, the universe responds favorably. 

It’s like you get “good credit” for being a good student of the divine. 

Think of it this way…

Let’s say two people are supposed to build a bookshelf, and whoever builds the bookshelf the fastest wins money. 

One person takes a few minutes to look over the instructions before beginning, while the second person completely avoids the instruction manual, goes straight to assembling the shelf, hoping they go quickly.

Time goes by and at first the person who didn’t read the instructions seems to be ahead because they just jumped right in. 

Well, eventually that person gets stuck because they don’t know what they’re doing! 

They’re not following the divine plan.

Who do you think ultimately gets their bookshelf built not only faster, but the shelf is steadier and they win the money? 

Yup… the person who followed the roadmap!

You will still have to build the bookshelf. 

But if you follow the instructions it’s easier, faster, more stable, and you get more money.

Get your divine roadmap now.


2- It’s Hard To Stay Consistent

The Manifestation Magic audio tracks and the system is powerful, but you’ll need to listen to them daily until you manifest your heart’s desires.

Many people start off good, but as the days go by, their excitement wanes and they miss a day or two… and finally stop listening altogether.

Avoid this pitfall and stay consistent.

It may be a hassle, but that’s just how it is.

This is another reason why many people actually prefer starting with the free numerology reading, too. 

It’s not something you have to do all day everyday. 

You digest the information once and apply it to your manifestations and your life in ways that are more natural and don’t take actual time out of your life!


Should You Try Manifestation Magic?

If you’re looking for a product that will help you to attract wealth, success and good luck into your life, Manifestation Magic is a top-of-the-line program that can help you get what you want. 

There is so much proof that it works!

However, if you’re in a bind financially and can’t afford it yet, or even if you plan to get the program and use it right away, I encourage you to get your free numerology report first!

Either way it’ll save you so much time, money and energy while strengthening your manifesting muscle not just for money, but for any and everything else your heart desires. 

>>>Get Your Free Numerology Report Now<<<


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