If you’re wondering how to manifest someone to text you, you’ve landed on the right page! By the end of this article, you’ll know everything you need to know about how to manifest a text from your crush, your ex, or anyone else!
How to manifest a text from your SP quickly
If you’re serious about manifesting a text message lightning-fast, (like within minutes or even seconds of sending your own text), there’s one thing you have to do.
It can’t be skipped if you’re trying to make something like this happen completely and FAST in real-time!
And that little-known secret is to get your hands on your unique, predetermined energetic and personality code that is hidden in your date and time of birth.
You see, when it comes to communicating with the universe (asking for and receiving your blessings), you must understand that we humans are all born with a specific set of talents or gifts, as well as setbacks and challenges that we have to overcome.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people dive headfirst into the latest new manifesting trick without even considering that they might have hard-coded energetic blockages that they simply couldn’t overcome on their own!
So many times these same people finally get on track, pay attention to the information, then come back telling me how much sense it makes why they couldn’t get anywhere with manifesting before!
How they wish they’d saved so much time, energy and worry by starting here first, then basing their manifestations and intentions around what’s a more natural fit and flow for their life!
It’s like “duh” once you finally figure it out!
If you’re serious about manifesting a text message lightning-fast, you simply HAVE to get your hands on a copy of your highly personalized information.
Download a free copy of your numerology report.
You see, numerology is the BEST way to gain insight into the hidden information and energetic codes that are hardcoded into your personality before birth.
This numerology reading will give you answers to questions like:
- What is my life purpose
- What are my innate gifts?
- How do others view me?
- What are my heart’s deepest desires?
- What are my biggest challenges to face?
Of course by now you can see how having the answers to these questions will help you not only manifest a text message, but really manifest anything else you want so much faster.
It’s a no-brainer, is it not?
Get a copy of your numerology report.
(it’s free.)
Can you really manifest a text?
Of course, you can manifest texts or phone calls from anyone!
You are the creator of your life, and you are so powerful; once you believe that, you will see that anything is possible for you.
The thing is, manifesting someone to reach out to you is no different than manifesting money on the ground, manifesting a new job, or anything else for that matter!
If using the law of attraction to receive a text is what you really want, absolutely believe you can have what you focus on — and you can!
5 ways to manifest a text message
Hopefully, now you are ready to move forward with the process of manifesting a message from your ex, your crush, or your specific person!
Here are five super-simple, highly-effective manifestation messages that can help you get what you want fast!
1- Manifest a text with the whisper method
First, my favorite manifestation technique for anything really is the whisper method. It’s super easy.
All you do is close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Then, think of the person you want to text you.
Really get a good image of them in your head. You can even envision them sitting right next to you.
What are they wearing? What is their mood or energy? Can you smell their perfume or cologne?
Once you get a good picture of them in your head, envision yourself leaning in to whisper in their ear.
Imagine yourself leaning in and whispering, “you are going to send me a text message.”
And that’s it!
It sounds so simple, but the best things with manifesting really are.
The best thing is that it is simple and doesn’t take much time or effort.
You can try this to manifest a text in mere minutes, and it’s quite fun too.
Try it out!
2- Send A Text To Yourself
The next manifestation technique for receiving text messages might sound a little wonky, but hey — if you really want what you want, you’ll do almost anything to get it, right?
It’s pretty simple, anyhow.
First, get grounded with a few deep breaths.
Then pull out your phone and save your number in your phone under your target’s name.
Then send a message to yourself saying what you want them to say to you.
It’s acting “as-if” on steroids!
When you send the message, walk away, and do something else for a little while.
Take your mind off of it.
When you come back to read it, really internalize it and feel the vibration as if it was sent from them.
The thing here is to get into the feeling of the experience of receiving the message.
And also, get your subconscious mind used to and to expect receiving messages from your crush.
3- The Phone Visualization Technique
The next technique you can use to manifest a text is another quick visualization using your phone.
For this one, you don’t even have to close your eyes!
All you do is take your phone and open your messaging app where you want the text to show up.
Then, imagine exactly what you want the message to look like and say.
Does it have emojis?
Is it going to be a long thread of back and forth?
Will they send pics or memes?
What will be the mood of the conversation?
Feel the positive emotions you’ll experience as it happens.
Allow yourself to feel those little butterflies in your stomach if that’s what you think this text will bring to you.
Enjoy the experience in your imagination, and you can have it in your life.
4- Manifest a text with the pillow method
I’m a huge fan of manifesting while sleeping because it’s so easy, and it works without much effort on my part.
One of the best methods you can try to manifest a text is the pillow method.
You take a small piece of paper and write what you want to manifest but in positive terms.
I like to write it as if it has already happened.
“I’m so happy Brandon has sent me a text!”
Then put it under your pillow every night as you sleep until your text comes through.
All that positive energy will flow like magic — without you having to focus too hard (or even remember to try during busy days!)
Easy-peasy. Done.
5- 369 Method To Manifest a Text
Next, you can try the super-simple 369 method to manifest a message.
All you have to do is get a piece of paper and write a positive affirmation that your specific person has texted you 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times at night.
You can make the positive affirmation as simple or complex as you’d like.
But for something like a this, I recommend keeping it simple and straightforward.
Something like “So excited xxx has texted me now!”
The trick is to visualize receiving your message each time you write the affirmation.
I also suggest setting a timer on your phone to remind you to do the exercise!
You’ll do this for 33 days (but you should manifest your text before then!)
How long does it take to manifest a text?
These methods can work within a few minutes, a few days, or even a week or two.
It depends on so many factors, starting with your limiting beliefs.
If you fear or panic about why this person isn’t texting you or don’t believe it’s really possible, chances are your request will be blocked.
If you try one or more of the techniques and give it at least two to three weeks and still haven’t manifested a text, consider if you have some self-confidence issues that might be holding you back.
Should that be the case, you will have to build up your self-esteem to where you know they are missing out by NOT texting you.
Can it be a bad idea to manifest a text?
It can be a bad idea to manifest a text in two scenarios.
First, if a person has specifically told you they do not want anything to do with you, please don’t go against their wishes and try to manifest a text.
Doing so comes from a place of low-energy and low-vibration, and only bad things can come from it.
You have to understand that free will is a thing. If someone specifically says “no”, do not proceed.
When it’s a bad idea to manifest a text, the second scenario is when a text is not what you really want.
Play the tape to the end to discover what your end goal is.
Do you want a text? Do you want them to be your boyfriend or girlfriend? Can you see yourself living together, married, with children?
If the end goal is more than a text, you waste your time and energy manifesting the wrong thing.
In this case, you should try different manifesting techniques for more long-term goals and dreams.
What if someone is manifesting you to text them?
For the most part, you’ll probably be trying to figure out how to manifest someone to text you. But, what about going the other way around?
What if someone is manifesting YOU to text THEM?
It can be hard to tell sometimes, so here are a handful of ways you can know if somebody is manifesting you to text them:
1- You start thinking of them more than usual
If you normally don’t think of this person (or don’t want to), but suddenly they pop into your mind way more than normal, they could be manifesting you to text them.
2- They appear in your dreams
Another way you can tell if someone is manifesting you to text them is if they start to appear in your dreams.
This is especially true if you don’t usually have vivid dreams, or have dreams that you remember.
3- You Smell Their Scent
Another way you can tell someone is manifesting you to text them is if you randomly smell their scent, when they’re obviously not around.
If your ex used to wear a certain cologne and you’re sitting down, minding your business, watching TV, when suddenly you get a whiff of that cologne (and it’s nowhere near you at the time,) you’re probably being manifested.
What happens if someone is manifesting you to text them?
Remember you always have free will — just like everybody else. If you’re being manifested and do not want to text them back, you don’t have to.
It won’t be an irresistable pull that you can’t fight off. It’ll be more like a strong suggestion and/or a softening of your emotions to them. It could be a good thing!
But, you see, what goes around comes around when it comes to the law of attraction and manifesting.
It’s why it’s not recommended that you try negative methods of getting what you want from people.
You always have to think about how you’d feel if it was done to you!
Any of these methods would work to get someone to text you, and they don’t intrude on the free will of others.
So, you know if they text you it’s because they wanted to. Not by force!
Does manifesting a text actually work?
Yes, manifesting a text does work. It’s worked for countless people and it will work for you if you erase limiting beliefs, follow the best manifesting technique for you, and most of all – enjoy the process!
What if manifesting a text doesn’t work?
Have you tried all the techniques to manifest your text and you still can’t seem to get there?
It’s possible that you have one or more of the same blockages that other people who try and fail do.
If you suspect this is the problem for you, you 100% definitely need to get your free numerology report.
It will help you connect more deeply to the Universe, release any blockages standing in between you and your SP, and move toward enjoying the relationship you crave and deserve.
A Few More Ways To Manifest Someone Specific
- How To Manifest Soul Mate Love Into Your Life (Law of Attraction for Love)
- How To Manifest Someone Back Into Your Life (Get Your Ex Back)
- A Simple Manifesting Spell To Get Your Ex Back (5 Ingredients!)
- Why Do I Keep Dreaming About My Ex? (Spiritual Meaning)
- 4 Steps To Manifest Your Ex Back (When You’ve Been Dumped)
- How To Stop Someone From Manifesting You
- How To Manifest Someone To Talk To You (6 Easy Steps)
- 30 Positive Affirmations For Receiving A Text Message