If you’re wondering if manifesting a specific person causes bad karma, the answer is no in most cases. However, your intention and the methods you use to manifest this person will determine your actual results.
What is karma?
Karma is a Sanskrit term that means “action.” In a nutshell, it is the belief that your actions have consequences, either in this life or in future lives.
The law of karma is often thought to be about cause and effect, but it’s actually more complicated than that. The law of karma is really about the principle of sowing and reaping.
What you put out into the Universe will come back to you.
If you put out positive energy, you will receive positive results. If you put out negative energy, you will receive negative results.
So, if you’re wondering if it’s bad karma to manifest a specific person, the answer depends on your intention.
Let’s explore different cases where manifesting a specific person would cause good or bad karma.
1- Bad karma from manipulation
First, if your intention with manifesting a specific person involves your desire to manipulate, dominate, or control them, then it will cause bad karma and it can be seen as just plain wrong.
You’re essentially trying to control another person’s free will, which is not something you should ever do. It’s a violation of their human rights, and it goes against the natural order of things.
The universe frowns upon this behavior, and you will ultimately receive bad karma. So, if you intend to control or harm someone else, don’t even bother trying to manifest them into your life.
If you’re struggling with negative feelings of wanting to do this anyway, then it’s a good idea to get your hands on your numerology report to see if your “karmic energy profile” is off.
There’s a good chance that there’s something in your energetic makeup that is making you feel more off-balance than you would if you knew about this issue and how to solve it (and that’s what your free numerology reading can help you with.)
It’s just a good idea when you’re feeling this way to get a stronger grip on what’s going on so you don’t go down the dark path.
You deserve much better than that.
Check out your free reading now to make sure you’re on the right side of things.
2- Bad karma when they’re not interested
Another case where you might cause bad karma is if you’re trying to manifest someone who is not interested in you.
For example, let’s say that you have a crush on your best friend’s boyfriend. You know that he’s not interested in you, but you want him anyway.
You might try to use the law of attraction to manifest him into your life, but it will not work. And even if, by some miracle, it does work, it won’t end well.
When you try to force someone into a relationship with you, it will not be a healthy or happy one. It’s not based on mutual love and respect, so it will not last.
And on top of that, you will cause bad karma because you’re trying to steal someone away from your friend. So, even if you do manage to manifest this person, it’s not going to be worth it in the long run.
3- Bad karma when it’s not what’s best for you
Another case where you might cause bad karma is if you’re trying to manifest someone who is not good for you.
For example, let’s say that you’re attracted to someone abusive or toxic. You know that this person is not good for you, but you want them anyway.
You can try to manifest by changing them and having them treat you better, but it will not work.
You will have so many problems with this person that it’s not even worth it. You’re better off without them in your life.
And on top of that, you will cause bad karma because you’re essentially trying to manifest something that is not good for you. So, even if you do manage to manifest this person, it’s not going to be worth it in the long run.
4- Bad karma when breaking someone up
You can use the law of attraction to break up a relationship, but this will most likely cause bad karma for you in return.
The reason for this is that you’re essentially trying to destroy something that someone else has built.
And even if the relationship is not a healthy one, it’s still not your place to interfere.
It’s possible to do this, however, and if you do you can probably manifest a relationship with your specific person.
But your relationship is likely to be built on a very shaky foundation. And you will introduce tons of negative energy into your union.
You can expect both direct negative consequences as well as indirect ones.
For example, a direct instance of negative karma is that you might expect the person you broke up to maintain contact with their ex, and this could cause jealousy and confusion. Or that you will wind up getting cheated on because your relationship is not meant to be.
An indirect consequence is that you might find it difficult to trust people in general after this. You will have violated someone’s trust and caused them pain. As a result, you might find it hard to trust anyone else, even if they’re completely trustworthy.
5- Bad karma when hurting someone
If your intention with manifesting a specific person is to hurt someone else, then you are likely to attract bad karma.
For example, let’s say you have an argument with your friend and lose the friendship.
In anger, you decide to use the law of attraction to manifest interest in their current crush.
You may think pulling their crush toward yourself could make them jealous or hurt them somehow – and you’d be right.
But this would be a mean thing to do, and you would be causing bad karma to apply to your life.
You would be interfering in someone else’s relationship, but you would also be deliberately trying to hurt your friend.
So, even if you do manage to manifest this person, it’s not going to be worth it in the long run.
6- Good karma when it’s based on mutual love and respect
Now, let’s say that you want to manifest a specific person because you’re madly in love with them, and you know that they’re the one for you.
You believe you have a lot to offer, and you suspect they feel the same way.
You want to be with them, and you’re willing to put in the work to make it happen.
In this case, you are more likely to experience good karma because your intentions are based on love and respect.
You’re not trying to hurt anyone or interfere in their life – you just want to be with them.
And if it’s meant to be, it will happen.
7- Good karma when it’s based on self-love and respect
If you want to manifest a specific person because you love and respect yourself, you are more likely to experience good karma.
For example, let’s say that you want to manifest a specific person because you want to be in a healthy and loving relationship.
You know that you deserve to be happy, and you’re willing to put in the work to make it happen.
In this case, you are more likely to experience good karma because your intentions are based on self-love and respect.
You’re not trying to hurt anyone or interfere in their life – you just want to be happy and healthy.
And if it’s meant to be, it will happen.
8- Good karma to deepen a current relationship
Another instance of good karma from manifesting someone specific is if you use it to enhance the relationship you’re already in.
For example, let’s say you’re already in a committed relationship with your specific person, but you would like to take it to the next level.
Maybe you want to manifest a proposal, manifest your specific person to move in with you, or even manifest them to open up to you more.
You could do this by visualization or affirmations such as “I am manifesting my specific person to move in with me.”
When you have positive intentions for deepening your current relationship, you are more likely to experience good karma.
9- Good karma when you have positive signs
Last but not least, you are more likely to experience good karma if you have positive signs that it’s what they want.
Sometimes either you, your specific person or both of you have an inkling that you are interested in each other but one or both of you is shy.
If you’re scared to make the first move and aren’t seeing them make the first move, you might try using the law of attraction to nudge things along.
For example, you could say, “I am manifesting my specific person to make the first move.”
Other positive signs might be that you keep running into each other places, they start liking your posts on social media, or they compliment you more often.
These are all good signs that you are meant to explore this connection, and it would be delightful for you to engage the universe in helping you explore this further.
So, does manifesting a specific person cause bad karma?
It really depends on your intentions. If you’re trying to hurt someone or interfere in their life, then you are more likely to experience bad karma.
But if you’re motivated by self-love, respect, and mutual love, you are more likely to experience good karma.
Additionally, if you have positive signs that it’s meant to be, then it’s more likely that you’ll experience good karma as well.
In the end, it’s up to you to decide whether or not manifesting a specific person is worth it. If your intentions are pure and you’re open to the possibility of good things happening, then go for it!
The universe wants you to be happy and if this is what will make you happy, then the universe will support you in making it happen.
Now that you know the answer to “does manifesting a specific person cause bad karma,” you might be wondering about some of the other frequently asked questions related to this topic.
Here are a few answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about manifesting a specific person.
1- Is manifesting a specific person wrong?
Manifesting a specific person is not wrong – you just have to make sure you have the right intentions so that the universe supports it.
2- How long does it take to manifest a specific person?
It really depends – sometimes it happens right away, and sometimes it takes a while. But if you have positive intentions and are open to the possibility of good things happening, it’s more likely to happen sooner rather than later.
3- How often should you manifest a specific person?
It’s a good idea to give your manifestations a few weeks to settle in before you do another. So you should work on manifesting your SP no more than once a month or so, depending on which technique you try.
4- Can you manifest a specific person back into your life?
Provided the other person is open to coming back into your life, you can manifest a specific person back. Keep in mind that you don’t want to be manipulative or try to dominate them, or this could come back as bad karma.
5- Do you need to be single to manifest a specific person?
You don’t necessarily need to be single to manifest a specific person – but it might make it easier. If you’re in a relationship, then you should focus on manifesting what you want in that relationship rather than trying to manifest someone new.
Final thoughts
Hopefully, this article has answered your question of “does manifesting a specific person cause bad karma.” Remember to keep your intentions pure and be open to the possibility of good things happening, and you’re more likely to experience good karma.
Thanks for reading!
Oh and by the way… don’t forget to get your hands on your numerology report!
Whether you’re manifesting an SP and it feels good or you’re worried it might be problematic, there’s something in there that can help you sort out your feelings, gain more insight to your situation, and achieve your ultimate goal.
Get it now – it’s free.
Read these ideas for manifest a specific person next:
- 5 Easy Ways To Manifest A Text From Someone Specific
- 7 Signs Manifesting Your Specific Person Is Working (Manifest SP)
- How To Manifest A Specific Person To BEG For You
- Why Is It So Hard To Manifest Your Specific Person?