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How To Manifest Someone Who Blocked You (5 Steps)

If someone has recently blocked you from communicating with them, you probably feel hurt, angry, and confused. But luckily, you can use the attraction to help nudge things in the right direction. Read on to learn the five-step process to manifest someone who has blocked you.


How To Manifest Someone Who Has Blocked You (Manifest A Text From Someone Specific)

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1- Connect to the Universe

The first step to manifesting someone who has recently blocked you is to establish a strong, clear, and consistent connection with the universe.

You can do this in many ways, but some are better than others for the purpose of manifesting.

For example, you could spend time in nature meditating and visualizing that your connection is strong. But this has the drawback of being very time-consuming, and labor-intensive, and then you don’t really know for certain that your connection is as strong as it could be.

A better way to establish and maintain a strong connection with the universe is by reviewing the information in your numerology report!

Yes, your FREE numerology report!

Your numerology report contains information about you that was hard-coded into your personality based on your date of birth.

This information is useful because it can help you understand why you feel certain ways and why you are attracted to certain things.

It also helps to explain any challenges you might be facing in life, and how to overcome them.

Furthermore, it strengthens your connection to the Universe more than anything else because it is your blueprint.

It is your information that the Universe has created for you. And the Universe wants to help and listen to people who are open to listening to the important instructions and information that it has already given for free.

When you think of it that way it just makes so much sense, does it not?

So yes, the first step is to make sure you have a strong connection to the universe.

You can choose any method you’d like, but you can save time, heartbreak (and even money because it’s free) by getting your numerology reading now.

You’ll be so happy you did.


2- Set your intention

The next step to manifest someone who has blocked you is to set your intention.

You need to be clear about what you want before you can manifest it.

Now this is where manifesting someone to unblock you is different from manifesting someone to do other things.

Usually, you want to think about your result, which is getting unblocked.

But the thing about that is it is a negative goal that doesn’t really go anywhere, so you need to envision what being unblocked would mean for you.

Perhaps your ultimate goal would be that they ask you on a date, move back in, or call off a breakup.

This is because when you’re blocked, you’re automatically cut off from the space you would need to have for your manifestation to come through, and you can’t control this.

So, to manifest someone to unblock you, your intention is extremely simple. You want to manifest what comes after!

Then later on, once they’ve unblocked you, you can start to work toward manifesting a text, a call, a date, or whatever you wish!


3- Visualize the moment

The third step is where the fun begins…

You get to create an entire scene of the moment where you realize you’ve been unblocked!

You’ll want to set aside some time for this visualization.

You can do it right before bed, in the morning when you wake up, or even during your lunch break.

Find a quiet spot where you can relax and won’t be interrupted.

Then close your eyes and begin to visualize the scene in vivid detail.

Here’s an example that you can try:

You’re just getting home from a long day of work. Tired and ready to relax, you hop in the shower, throw on some sweats, plop down on your couch, and take out your phone.

You figure you might as well check social media while you’re relaxing.

As you scroll through your feed, you notice a post from the person who blocked you.

You stop and stare at it for a minute, unsure of what to do.

Then you see that they’ve unblocked you!

You can’t believe it! You feel so happy and relieved!

You feel a sparkling sensation coursing through your body because your wish was granted, and it only took a few days!

What should you do next…?



4- Feel the feelings

In step three, you visualized the scene of being unblocked.

Now it’s time to amp up the emotions!

This is an important step because it’s the feelings that will really help to seal the deal and make your manifestation a success.

When you’re blocked, you likely feel pretty bad. You might feel hurt, rejected, or even humiliated.

But once you’ve been unblocked, all of those negative emotions will be replaced with positive ones.

So take a few deep breaths and really let yourself feel those positive emotions.

Allow yourself to experience the happiness, relief, love, and joy that come with being unblocked.

The more you can feel these emotions, the better!

A good idea for this is to do a body scan while you allow yourself to get lost in the flow of the emotions you’re experiencing.

Sit and close your eyes, then start at your toes and work your way up your entire body – piece by piece.

Imagine that positive energy, excitement, joy, relief and bliss coursing through your veins and reaching even the tips of your toes.

Your toes are jumping with glee and you feel tingles as you move your focus up your body.

You feel tingles in your legs, knees, thighs… all the way up your stomach, your chest, and especially your heart center.

Keep following the path of pure bliss as it moves up your throat and illuminates your face with a bright smile.

You feel so good, you can’t help but giggle and jump around a bit!

All the way up your face to the very crown of your head…

You are unblocked and free!


5- Let go and allow

The final step is to let go and allow your manifestation to come through.

This can be the hardest part for some people, but it’s so important!

If you want to manifest someone who blocked you, you have to trust that it will happen and let go of any attachment to the outcome.

Detachment doesn’t mean that you don’t want it to happen.

It just means that you trust that it will, and you’re not attached to any particular result.

You have to believe that whatever happens is for the best.

So take a deep breath, let go of your attachment, and trust that everything will work out in the end.

You did the very important work of connecting with the universe in step one, and that should give you a little boost of faith that your call has been heard and you will get a good result in time.



Now that you know how to manifest someone who blocked you, you might have some questions.

Here are some of the most common ones that people have:

1- How do you reach out to someone who has you blocked?

You don’t reach out to them – you manifest them to come to you! The first step is to manifest them unblocking you. Once you do that, then you can either choose to reach out to them first, or do a second round of manifestation to get them to text you.


2- How long will it take to manifest someone unblocking you?

Depending on the situation, it could take a few days or even a few weeks. Keep in mind that everyone has their own timeline, so it might take longer or shorter for some people than others. Just trust that it will happen in perfect timing!


3- What if they don’t unblock you?

There could be a number of reasons why they don’t unblock you. Maybe they’re not ready yet, or it hasn’t been enough time. The best practice is to wait a month and if you’re still not unblocked, try the unblocking visualization exercise again.


Final thoughts

Hopefully, you’ve got all your main questions answered about how to manifest someone who blocked you.

Remember, the most important thing is to trust that it will work out and know that it’s technically “already done”. Then start living in that reality.

If you have trouble with this, I strongly suggest you get your free numerology reading.

It helps you connect to the Universe, which means your request will get heard faster, and you’ll soon get to be in the arms of the one you love.