When you ignore signs from the Universe, you will often find yourself in less-than-ideal situations. This is because you are actively working against your highest and greatest good. The good news, however, is that your free will is a healthy and positive feature of human existence. So you don’t have to worry about the idea of being “punished.” Nothing truly devastating will usually take place if you ignore signs from the Universe. But, still, there are a few things to consider.
Here are 7 things that can happen when you ignore signs from the Universe.
Are you headed down the wrong path?
First, it’s important to make sure that you’re not headed down the wrong path entirely. Because if you’re on the wrong path, no matter how many signs you get from the Universe, you’re not going to be able to get to where you want to go.
You may find yourself in a dead-end job, or a relationship that’s going nowhere.
If this is the case, it’s time for a change.
But how do you know if you’re headed down the wrong path or not?
The best way to make sure you’re on track is by downloading a free copy of your numerology report.
The reason your numerology report will help you with this is that it gives you your specific “energetic blueprint” that was hard-coded into your energetic profile at your exact date and time of birth.
Your blueprint is unlike that of any other, so even if you do everything “right” by the standards of society and what others tell you or show you is right – you could have it all wrong!
And if you have it all wrong, then you’ve lost before you’ve even begun.
The great thing about this numerology report is that it only takes a few minutes to download.
And beyond that, it’s one of the key ways to let the Universe know that you are listening and that you’re ready to do what it takes to live your best life possible.
So do yourself a favor and spend a few quick minutes getting your free report.
It’ll only make things better for you in the long run.
1- Your manifestations will take longer
The first and most obvious consequence of ignoring signs from the Universe is that your manifestations will take longer.
This is because you are essentially asking for guidance and then ignoring it when it comes.
Think about it, if someone asks you for something and then you send information on how they can meet you halfway with their request, then they ignore the request… how likely are you to prioritize their future requests?
Not very likely.
It’s the same with the Universe. If you ask for guidance and then ignore it, your manifestations will take longer because the Universe will know that you’re not ready or serious about receiving what you’ve asked for.
As a matter of fact, if you’re truly serious about manifesting your desires, you need to be open to receiving guidance and acting on it when it comes – even if it’s not what you want to hear or do.
2- You may attract difficult or compromising situations
Another thing that can happen when you ignore signs from the Universe is that you may attract difficult or compromising situations.
This is because you are not aligned with your highest good, and you will usually find this out in due time.
Don’t think of this as punishment for ignoring the signs. That’s not a thing.
The Universe wouldn’t allow you to have free will and then necessarily punish you for exercising it.
Instead, try to think of your journey here on Earth as a learning process.
You’re here to improve, grow, better yourself spiritually, and to learn lessons.
It’s kind of like telling a child not to touch a hot stove.
They ignore your warnings and touch the stove anyway and they get burned.
Their getting burned isn’t really you “punishing” them – because it’s not you who is bestowing the pain upon them.
It’s just that their touching the stove is a consequence of their actions.
But they learn from it and will hopefully start to pay closer attention to your guidance in the future!
It’s the same way with the Universe.
You’re here to learn and grow, and if you ignore signs from the Universe, you may find yourself in difficult or compromising situations.
But don’t worry, these situations will usually teach you a valuable lesson that will help you to move closer to your highest good.
3- You might experience more chaos and disruption in your life
If you ignore signs from the Universe, you might find that there is more chaos and disruption in your life.
This is because you are not aligned with your highest good and you are essentially asking for guidance and then ignoring it when it comes.
The Universe will eventually give up trying to guide you if you keep ignoring its signs, and this can lead to more chaos and disruption in your life.
Sometimes people wonder “why have I stopped seeing angel numbers?”
If you get used to having guidance from the Universe but then ignore it when it comes, you will lose that privilege and be left to your own devices.
This can use unwelcome disruption and chaos because you were so used to having guidance!
4- You could end up feeling lost and confused
If you ignore signs from the Universe, you may find yourself feeling lost and confused.
This is because on some level you already know what you should be doing.
Much of the time, people choose to ignore signs from the Universe because it’s not what they want to hear or do. And this is all fine.
But doing so will always lead you down the path of confusion.
A huge part of living a fulfilled life that has a balance between physical, spiritual, and emotional is listening to and trusting your intuition.
It is that small voice inside you that knows what is best for you – even if it’s not what you want to hear at the moment.
By ignoring signs from the Universe, you are essentially choosing to ignore your intuition and this will lead to a feeling of being lost and confused.
While this usually won’t have devastating consequences for you, it can manifest in different ways that don’t lead to a healthy and fulfilled life.
Like depression, anxiety, or even overindulging in unhealthy substances and practices to try to soothe the feeling of emptiness that comes from this.
If you find yourself starting to feel this way, make sure you don’t lean on physical cures to spiritual ailments.
Try to course-correct by following your intuition and paying attention to the signs.
5- You may have bad dreams or nightmares
This is a common one. If you ignore signs from the Universe, you may find yourself having bad dreams or nightmares.
Again, this goes back to the idea that you are not aligned with your highest good when you ignore signs from the Universe.
Your subconscious mind is always trying to guide and protect you, even when you’re asleep.
So, if you’re ignoring signs from the Universe during your waking hours, your subconscious mind will often try to get your attention through your dreams.
These can manifest as nightmares or bad dreams that leave you feeling scared or unsettled.
If you find yourself having these types of dreams, pay attention to what they are telling you.
Your subconscious mind is trying to guide you and protect you, even when you’re asleep!
6- You could miss out on opportunities
This one is a bit more practical. If you ignore signs from the Universe, you may find that you miss out on opportunities.
This is because the Universe is always trying to guide you toward opportunities that are in alignment with your highest good.
If you ignore the signs that it’s giving you, you may find yourself passing up on opportunities that could have been really great for you.
The thing about this is that it can be subtle that you just might miss it.
For example, let’s say that you’re not making as much money as you’d like at your job, but you’re scared to rock the boat because you need to put food on the table and it’s easier to just stay put.
The Universe may start giving you signs that it’s time to move on, like making you feel really unhappy at work or even having someone reach out to you about a different position.
But if you ignore those signs, you may not realize that there’s an opportunity for you to find a better job that’s more in alignment with your highest good.
You may end up staying in a job that makes you really unhappy because you missed the signs that it was time to move on.
You definitely want to consider stepping out of your comfort zone when you start to get signs from the Universe because it may be leading you to something really great!
7- Your relationships could suffer
Last but not least, if you ignore signs from the Universe, your relationships could suffer.
This is because, again, you are not aligned with your highest good when you ignore signs from the Universe.
If you’re in a relationship that’s not really working for you but you’re ignoring the signs that it’s time to move on, your relationship will likely suffer as a result.
You may find yourself in a lot of arguments with your partner or you may start to feel really unhappy in the relationship.
If you’re not really happy in a relationship, it’s important to listen to those signs and take action accordingly.
The same goes for any other type of relationship in your life.
If you find yourself in a situation where you’re not really happy but you’re ignoring the signs that it’s time to move on, your relationship will likely suffer as a result.
It’s so important to listen to the signs from the Universe and take action accordingly!
Final thoughts
The bottom line is that if you ignore signs from the Universe, you won’t have any truly catastrophic consequences. The Universe doesn’t work that way.
You will always have free will and will always be able to make your own decisions.
It’s just that people who listen to the Universe and follow the signs and symbols laid out from them tend to have happier, more fulfilling lives, and feel more in alignment with their highest good.
If you find yourself ignoring signs from the Universe, just know that it’s not the end of the world. But it may be helpful to take a step back and consider what you’re doing.
The Universe is always trying to guide you and lead you toward your highest good. So if you’re ignoring the signs, you may find yourself in less-than-ideal situations.
But, as previously stated, it’s not the end of the world.
You can always course correct and start listening to the signs from the Universe.
It’s never too late!
Just know that your life may be happier and more fulfilling if you pay attention the first time.
P.S. Don’t forget to get your free numerology report – it’ll help you get on the right track straight away and avoid all the uncertainty and confusion that prevents you from living the life you crave and deserve.
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