If you’ve been dumped and are heartbroken over your ex, you will benefit from learning how to manifest your ex back in 24 hours overnight. Read on to discover the simple steps to take to get back into the arms of the one you love.
Do You Believe You Can Manifest Your Ex Back In 24 Hours?
First, you need to ask yourself a serious question…
Do you truly believe, 100%, with all your heart that you can manifest your ex back in 24 hours?
Your answer to this question will depend on your success.
If you truly believe that you can, you will have a much easier time of it.
The law of attraction is always working.
The Universe is always listening.
It knows your innermost thoughts and secrets.
It knows what you believe and what you pretend to believe.
It’s not that if you don’t fully believe just yet that you can’t manifest your ex back.
Many people have still had success manifesting their ex back if they didn’t believe at first.
The steps in the book will cover all of that.
However, if you have a deep, inner knowing that you can manifest your ex back in 24 hours you will have a much easier time.
You can get them back in less than 24 hours if you have a strong sense of security and knowing.
How To Believe You Can Manifest Your Ex In 24 Hours
If you don’t fully believe that you can manifest your ex back just yet, that’s okay!
There’s nothing wrong with you for feeling this way.
Especially if they’ve shown signs that they don’t want to come back.
The best way to work on this limiting belief is to try one of three things:
1- Positive affirmations: repeat positive affirmations to manifest your ex back as frequently as you can, affirming that your specific person is happily in love with you and can’t take their mind off of you.
2- Visualization: spend time meditating and visualizing the reality of manifesting your ex back into your life.
3- Self-love: the main reason you don’t think you can manifest your ex back could be that you don’t believe they should. Build your self-confidence and self-worth. Know that they are truly missing out and that they know they need you too!
Release The Need To Manifest Your Ex Back In 24 Hours
Of course, you want to manifest your ex back in 24 hours. And you absolutely can, especially if you follow all the steps in the book and have a strong sense of self.
So, it might seem counter-intuitive, but the next thing you need to do to manifest your ex back is to release the need.
Release the need to manifest your ex back in 24 hours because think of it this way.
What you really want is for them to come back.
What if he comes back in 30 hours, or 48 hours, or 72?
Would you be mad and push him away because it wasn’t 24 hours?
Of course not!
You’d still be thrilled!
The point is getting all caught up on when your ex comes back is the opposite of what you need.
It’s restrictive energy that blocks the flow.
That desperate energy that has you clinging to outcomes and not really working at the moment will prevent your ex from coming back.
It’s so weird because to manifest your ex back in 24 hours you need to not care about manifesting your ex back in 24 hours.
I know it sounds nuts, but it’s the honest truth.
The moment you stop caring about when they come back, they come running!
You will find that if you follow the steps in the book, believe he should come back, then not care if he comes back in 24 hours, he’ll come back!
Imagine You Have A Crystal Ball
The next thing that can help you get over the impatience of needing to manifest your ex back in 24 hours is to imagine you have a crystal ball.
Take a deep breath and engage your subconscious mind.
Your ultimate goal is to boost your vibrational energy with the beautiful reality you can create.
Imagine you go to a psychic and ask what they see for the next week, right?
They look into their crystal ball and say “oh, I see your ex will call you on Tuesday, ask to meet up, and when you meet them they will confess their undying love, ask to move in, and you’ll be married in six months.”
How would you feel?
You would be able to let go of this worry about them coming back, would you not?
That’s exactly the confidence and energy you need to embody at this point.
This visualization and imagination will take you so far with manifesting your ex back.
You Can Manifest Your Ex Back In 24 Hours
I hope by now you understand that it’s 100% possible that you can manifest your ex back in 24 hours.
Beyond that, you spend the rest of your time working on your mindset to where you know, without a doubt, that you are meant to be together, and that he is coming back.
Just the way he’s supposed to.
More Manifest Your Ex Back Tips
- Can You Manifest Someone To Break Up? (Get Your Ex Back)
- 111 Powerful Affirmations To Manifest Your Ex Back
- How To Manifest A Text From Your Ex In 3 Days (LOA Success Story)
- How To Manifest A Specific Person To BEG For You
- Why Do I Still Feel Connected To My Ex? (7 Possibilities)
- How To Do The Reverse Scripting Method (& Get Your Ex Back)